MH3U Food Combo Guide


DATE: Nov. 15, 2013, 9:10 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 5.7 kB

HITS: 1044

  1. Quick and dirty guide to food combos before the Wikis put theirs up
  2. -Lists of food skills can be found around the internet, only a few are unique to MH3U
  3. Notes about meals:
  4. -Health boost is determined by the the total star level of the ingredients. Each star is +10HP, up to +50HP
  5. -Star level is improved through village requests and canteen quests
  6. -Each fresh ingredient grants +25 stamina and a greater chance to get food skills
  7. -Innate boosts don't seem to be affected by star level nor freshness
  8. -Vouchers make every ingredient fresh, and feeds anyone who hasn't eaten but is sitting with you
  9. -Gourmet vouchers seem to be equivalent to normal vouchers (they don't increase stars or health boost). Possibly guarantee you get every skill?
  10. -ALL dishes with meat grant attack(m)
  11. -ALL dishes with bread (except meat+bread) grant defense(m)
  12. Best food combos:
  13. -Fish+milk = 3 fixed skills based around gathering activities and oxygen+30 (even one set for egg delivery quests!)
  14. -Milk+drink = lucky cat+unlucky cat or carver(lo)+unlucky cat. Unlucky cat severely reduces HP/Stamina (nothing to do with rewards) at quest start. Ancient potion is quickest fix. Desire sensor is in full effect here, enjoy only getting unlucky cat every time.
  15. -Veggie+drink = Versus elderdragon meals. One for deviljho(?), ceadeus, alatreon, and jhen mohran (see detail list below)
  16. -Fish+drink = interesting fixed skills. Explorer (always spawn in secret area in HR), gamechanger (big monster always spawns in unstable environments), supplier+charisma, or combiner(hi)+(lo)
  17. Other notable food combos
  18. -Same food+Same food = 2 daily skills and no fixed skills
  19. -Veggie+Veggie = 3 daily skills instead of having any inherent boost or fixed skills
  20. -Meat+fish = blademaster skills (polisher, slugger)
  21. -Meat+milk = Gunner skills (sharpshooter, temper)
  22. -Meat+drink = Pyro or heroics
  23. -Fish+veggie = swimmer+trainer as daily skills, elemental resistance based on cooking method
  24. -Bread+drink = balancer (no tripping), insomniac (anti-baggi), moxie (survive a fatal blow with 1hp)
  25. -Veggie+milk = elemental resistance skills+groomer as well as innate elemental resistance for double protection against elements
  26. -Milk+milk = foodie (keep food boosts after death)
  27. Full detail list of food combos (warning: shitty formatting; these were just my notes)
  28. -If it bothers you then figure out a better way
  29. -Repeat combos were skipped for redundancy
  31. second ingredient "Chef quote"
  32. Saute skills, stew skills, steam skills, fry skills
  33. inherent boost, inherent boost by cooking method if it changes
  35. meat "Ze meat in this dish melts in your meowth."
  36. 2 daily skills
  37. attack (m)
  38. fish "Ze strong flavor will please Blademasters."
  39. polisher, slugger, specialist, black belt
  40. attack(m)
  41. Grain "A melange of offense and defense, oui?"
  42. riser (lo), groomer, escape artist, slider
  43. attack (m)
  44. Vege "Staves off ze elements AND boosts attack!"
  45. thundercaller, icebreaker, firestarter, waterbearer
  46. attack(m)
  47. milk "Aggressive flavor to please ze Gunners."
  48. sharpshooter, temper, bombardier, combiner(lo)
  49. attack(m)
  50. drink "fills ze stomach and fills you with power."
  51. pyro, heroics, hurler, cool cat
  52. attack(m)
  54. fish "This fishy aroma opens ze lungs, non?"
  55. 2 daily skills
  56. Oxygen+30
  57. grain "A dose of defense in each bite, c'est vrai."
  58. medic, weakener, defender(lo)+riser(hi)(no daily?), defender(hi)
  59. defense(m)
  60. vege "swimming with flavor. Goes well with ze dip!"
  61. swimmer+trainer, ", ", "
  62. fire res(m), water res(M), thnder res(M), ice res(M)
  63. milk "Going gathering? This is tres bienya!"
  64. Gatherer+woodsman+climber(hi), gatherer+courage+escape artist, supercat+escape artist+lander, fisher+climber(hi)+lander
  65. (no daily skills on any?)
  66. oxygen+30
  67. drink "This hors d'oeuvre is for ze special needs."
  68. explorer, gamechanger, supplier+charisma, combiner(hi)+(lo)
  69. no boost
  71. Grain "They say ze grain in this dish has grit."
  72. 2 daily skills
  73. defense(m)
  74. vege "Staves off ze elements AND bolsters Defense!"
  75. Firestarter, waterbearer, thundercaller, icebreaker
  76. defense(m)
  77. milk "This has a certain, euh, je ne sais what."
  78. oracle, combiner(hi), dungmaster, firewalker
  79. defense(m)
  80. drink "A petite treat to keep you on your feet."
  81. balancer, acrobat, insomniac, moxie
  82. defense(m)
  84. veggie "enjoy ze daily skills--every bite a surprise!"
  85. 3 daily skills
  86. no boost
  87. milk "You will never be out of your element, oui?"
  88. Firestarter+groomer, waterbearer+groomer, thundercaller+groomer, icebreaker+groomer
  89. fire res(m), water res(M), thunder res(M), ice res(M)
  90. drink "Possible last supper? I have just ze thing."
  91. Dragonslayer+slider, swimmer+escape artist, firestarter+thundercaller+icebreaker, moxie+bombardier+woodsman
  92. dragon res(M), oxygen+30, dragon res(M), no boost
  94. milk "One sip will stay with you for a while, oui?"
  95. Foodie, ", ", "
  96. no boost
  97. drink "you will be giddy with one gulp, c'est vrai."
  98. Lucky cat+unlucky cat, carver(lo)+unlucky cat, booster, kickboxer
  99. Tipsy (drunk animation, does not carry over to quest)
  101. drink "Oh lala. This will make you tipsy..."
  102. Unlucky cat+2 daily skills, ", ", "
  103. Tipsy (drunk animation, does not carry over to quest)

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