Our nighttime routine, interrupted

SUBMITTED BY: shahidsomroo

DATE: March 5, 2018, 11:18 a.m.

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HITS: 622

  1. A few nights ago I was putting Marlo to bed—this is how it goes these days, and it’s different from even six months ago: I have her tell Leta goodnight, and she usually does this either in the most adorable or the most annoying way possible. Usually the latter, and usually by hanging her entire body from Leta’s neck while trying to litter Leta’s face with kisses. I used to do something similar to my older sister who is also five years older than I am, and the fact that she didn’t knock me to the ground and stick her foot on my face (Leta shows similar restraint) makes her worthy of some sort of sainthood. September, had you ever come after me with a bat for all the ways I purposefully tried to annoy you I would not only forgive you now, I’d bring you a casserole.
  2. Although, I think Marlo does this to Leta for the same reasons I did it to my sister. Which are, “Please love me and acknowledge me and appreciate me because I think you are pretty much the most amazing thing in my life.” No pressure, big sisters! You’re only responsible for the mental stability of a boiling nuclear reactor, is all!

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