1. When she walks away from you mad, (follow her);
2. When she stares at your lips (kiss her);
3. When she pusses you or hit you, (grab her and don’t let her go);
4. When she starts cursing at you, (kiss her and tell her that you love her);
5. When she’s quiet, (ask her what is wrong);
6. When she ignores you, (give her your attention);
7. When she pulls away, (pull her back);
8. When you see her at her worst, (tell her she is the most beautiful);
9. When you see her start crying, (just hold her and don’t say a word);
10. When you see her start walking, (sneak up and hug her waist from behind);
11. When she’s scared, (protect her);
12. When she lays her head on your shoulder, (tilt her head up ad kiss her);
13. When she steals your favourite hat, ( let her keep it ad sleep with it for a night);
14. When she teases you, (tease her back and make her laugh);
15. When she doesn’t answer for a long time, (reassure her that everything is okay);
16. When she looks at you with doubt, (back yourself up with the truth);
17. When she grabs your hands, (hold hers and play with her fingers);
18. When she bumps into you, ( bump back into her and make her laugh);
19. When she tell you a secret, (keep it safe and untold);
20. When she looks at you in your eyes, (don’t look away until she does);
21. When she misses you, (she is hurting inside, try to be there as soon as you can);
22. When you break her heart, (the pain never really go away, please don’t do it);
23. When she says it is over, (she still wants you to be hers, don’t go away, just give her a little time.