

DATE: March 14, 2013, 3:45 a.m.

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  1. I've been introduced to the topic of meditation countless times before, and always thought of it as cockamamie until I actually gave it a chance. One of my professors had us meditate in class (A holistic health class. No, not the "holistic health" that you pay out the ass for all natural medications that don't work. It was geared towards mental and physical well being by eliminating thought barriers we didn't know we have, exercise, and the like), and the results were fascinating. But at the time I didn't really want to meditate every day because I was in three bands, a freshman in college, and had just begun an internship for a magazine.
  2. Have you ever tried meditation? If not, what are your opinions on it? List your experiences/techniques here, it'd be cool to see some really strange and intense ways to meditate from others on the archives.

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