AUTO ROLL without captcha 2020


DATE: March 14, 2020, 11:34 a.m.

UPDATED: April 5, 2020, 7:22 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 7.5 kB

HITS: 1434

  1. Please use my Referal-Link
  2. Improved autoroll script for
  3. This scripts attempts captcha before using RP to roll while
  4. always maximizing RP bonus and claiming %1000 BTC bonus when available.
  5. This script works best on a pc or mac, but will also work on a smart phone.
  6. The chance of the script needing to use rp to roll without captcha is greater on a smartphone
  7. This is a script for Tampermonkey or Greasemonkey to automatically trigger the freeroll every hour on
  8. Installation:
  9. Install the "Tampermonkey" addon for your browser and copy the source code into a new script.
  10. install script :
  11. // ==UserScript==
  12. // @name **** Auto Roll + 100 Reward Points + 1000% Bonus BTC NO Captcha
  13. // @version 1.8
  14. // @description This script clicks the recaptcha checkbox, takes maximum bonuses,
  15. // @description and clicks the free roll button. If free roll was not successful
  16. // @description the script them clicks the play without captcha button and rolls again.
  17. // @match http*://*
  18. // @match*
  19. // @grant none
  20. // @require
  21. // ==/UserScript==
  22. (function() {
  23. 'use strict';
  24. setTimeout(function() { document.getElementsByClassName("recaptcha-checkbox-checkmark")[0].click(); }, 1000);
  25. })();
  26. setTimeout(function(){
  27. $('.close-reveal-modal')[0].click();
  28. console.log("Status: Button CLOSE POPUP clicked.");
  29. }, 100);
  30. setTimeout (function() {
  31. 'use strict';
  32. var domain = (window.location != window.parent.location) ? document.referrer.toString() : document.location.toString();
  33. var body = $('body');
  34. var points = {};
  35. var count_min = 1;
  36. var reward = {};
  37. var timeout = setTimeout("location.reload(true);",3630000);
  38. function resetTimeout() {
  39. clearTimeout(timeout);
  40. timeout = setTimeout("location.reload(true);",3630000);
  41. }
  42. = function() {
  43. reward.points = parseInt($('.user_reward_points').text().replace(',',""));
  44. reward.bonustime = {};
  45. if ($("#bonus_container_free_points").length != 0) {
  46. reward.bonustime.text = $('#bonus_span_free_points').text();
  47. reward.bonustime.hour = parseInt(reward.bonustime.text.split(":")[0]);
  48. reward.bonustime.min = parseInt(reward.bonustime.text.split(":")[1]);
  49. reward.bonustime.sec = parseInt(reward.bonustime.text.split(":")[2]);
  50. reward.bonustime.current = reward.bonustime.hour * 3600 + reward.bonustime.min * 60 + reward.bonustime.sec;
  51. } else
  52. reward.bonustime.current = 0;
  53. console.log(reward.bonustime.current);
  54. if (reward.bonustime.current !== 0) {
  55. console.log(reward.bonustime.current);
  56. } else {
  57. if (reward.points < 300) {
  58. console.log("waiting for 120 points");
  59. }
  60. /* else if (reward.points < 120) {
  61. console.log("waiting for points 120");
  62. RedeemRPProduct('free_points_1');
  63. } */
  64. else if (reward.points < 600) {
  65. console.log ("waiting for points 300");
  66. RedeemRPProduct ('free_points_10');
  67. }
  68. else if (reward.points < 1200) {
  69. console.log("waiting for points 600");
  70. RedeemRPProduct('free_points_25');
  71. }
  72. else if (reward.points < 1500) {
  73. console.log("waiting for points 1200");
  74. RedeemRPProduct('free_points_50');
  75. }
  76. else {
  77. RedeemRPProduct('free_points_100');
  78. }
  79. if ($('#bonus_span_fp_bonus').length === 0)
  80. if (reward.points >= 4400)
  81. RedeemRPProduct('fp_bonus_1000');
  82. }
  83. };
  84. setTimeout (function () {body.prepend(
  85. $('<div/>').attr('style',"position:fixed;top:50px;left:0;z-index:999;width:368px;background-color:black;color: white; text-align: center;")
  86. .append(
  87. $('<div/>').attr('id','autofaucet')
  88. .append($('<p/>').attr('style','text-decoration:underline;color: red').text("Auto Roll Script With 100 RP + 1000% Bonus"))
  89. .append($('<p/>').attr('style','text-decoration:underline;color: red').text("And Captcha Workaround"))
  90. .append($('<p/>').text("Script by CryptoSoerin"))
  91. .append($('<p/>').text("Support by using my link:"))
  92. .append($('<p/>').attr('style',"color: green").text(""))
  93. .append($('<p/>').text("(Click to copy)"))
  94. .append($('<p/>')
  95. )
  96. ).click(function(){
  97. var $temp = $('<input>').val("");
  98. body.append($temp);
  99. $;
  100. document.execCommand("copy");
  101. $temp.remove();
  102. })
  103. ).prepend($('<style/>')
  104. .text("#autofaucet p { margin: 0; margin-left: 2px; text-align: center; }")
  105. )
  106. body.prepend(
  107. $('<div/>').attr('style',"position:fixed;top:200px;left:0;z-index:999;width:368px;background-color:black;color: white; text-align: center;")
  108. .append(
  109. $('<div/>').attr('id','autofaucet')
  110. .append($('<p/>').text("Or Send BTC donations here:"))
  111. .append($('<p/>').attr('style',"color: green").text("bc1qlzyrqk46s34xunelqjpj5zn0wxljvndenl49l5"))
  112. .append($('<p/>').text("(Click to copy)"))
  113. .append($('<p/>')
  114. )
  115. ).click(function(){
  116. var $temp = $('<input>').val("bc1qlzyrqk46s34xunelqjpj5zn0wxljvndenl49l5");
  117. body.append($temp);
  118. $;
  119. document.execCommand("copy");
  120. $temp.remove();
  121. })
  122. ).prepend($('<style/>')
  123. .text("#autofaucet p { margin: 0; margin-left: 2px; text-align: center; }")
  124. )
  125. },26000);
  126. setTimeout(,1000);
  127. setInterval(,60000);
  128. $(document).ready(function(){
  129. console.log("Status: Page loaded.");
  130. setTimeout(function(){
  131. if ($('#free_play_form_button').is(':visible')) {
  132. $('#free_play_form_button').click(); }
  133. console.log("Status: Button ROLL clicked.");
  134. }, random(10000,12000));
  135. setTimeout(function(){
  136. if ($('#play_without_captchas_button').is(':visible')) {
  137. $('#play_without_captchas_button').click(); }
  138. console.log("Status: Play Without Captcha button clicked.");
  139. }, random(12000,14000));
  140. setInterval(function(){
  141. console.log("Status: Elapsed time " + count_min + " minutes");
  142. count_min = count_min + 1;
  143. }, 60000);
  144. setInterval(function(){
  145. if ($('#free_play_form_button').is(':visible')) {
  146. $('#free_play_form_button').click(); }
  147. console.log("Status: Button ROLL clicked again.");
  148. }, random(14000,16000));
  149. setTimeout(function(){
  150. $('.close-reveal-modal')[0].click();
  151. console.log("Status: Button CLOSE POPUP clicked.");
  152. }, random(20000,26000));
  153. });
  154. function random(min,max){
  155. return min + (max - min) * Math.random();
  156. }
  157. },8000);

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