Earn FREE Bitcoins on AutoPilot Now Fully Automatic Traffic Exchange


DATE: Oct. 2, 2013, 6:41 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 1.5 kB

HITS: 4718

  1. ************************************************** READ BELOW **************************************************
  2. Auto Pilot Traffic Exchange for FREE BITCOINS
  3. Plz Read my paste below, thankyou and god bless.
  4. PART 1
  5. 1. Go to http://hitleap.com/by/majix560.
  6. Or if you don't want to be my referral http://hitleap.com/
  7. 2. Signup, login and all that crap @ leap.
  8. 3. Download their software "HitLeap Viewer Application" and earn minutes/views.
  9. **u can run the program while u sleep :)**
  10. PART 2
  11. 1. Go to http://bitbin.it **this how u get paid/bitcoins**
  12. 2. Make a random paste about anything/bitcoins
  13. 3. Under your paste give it a "Title" then click tab "Earn Bitcoins", input your Bitcoin Address.
  14. 4. Click "Submit Paste" COPY/SAVE your bitbin URL address.
  15. 5. Go to hitleap website again, login.
  16. 6. Go to the tab "My Websites"
  17. 7. Click "Submit website into the Traffic Exchange" and enter your bitbin paste URL.
  18. 8. Click ok and wait 30 seconds,
  19. 9. Hitleap will send hits/views to your bitbin paste, then you'll start making bitcoins from bitbin.
  20. **dont forget to run "HitLeap Viewer Application" to get hits/views to your bitbin paste**
  21. **u can run the program while u sleep**
  22. bitcoin donate address: 1JJHPuKobafMJUgV2Si8HSnKb6ajb3karV
  23. thankyou and god bless.
  24. *************************************************** READ ME ***************************************************

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