Recent pastes

Title Age
A Prayer Of Gratitude For... 31 weeks, 5 days and 19 hours
Catholic Bible Dictionary by... 32 weeks, 5 days and 16 hours
Deliverance Prayers For Use Laity 32 weeks, 5 days and 17 hours
Prayer to Rosa Mystica 33 weeks, 6 days and 14 hours
Stabat Mater 33 weeks, 6 days and 14 hours
The Church existed before... 35 weeks, 2 days and 14 hours
THE CHURCH THE PILLAR AND... 35 weeks, 2 days and 17 hours
7 DEMONS BEHIND 7 DEADLY... 35 weeks, 2 days and 19 hours
THE 12 SCIENTIFIC HISTORICAL... 35 weeks, 4 days and 20 hours
Wedding Day Prayer 36 weeks, 23 hours and 42 minutes