Recent pastes

Title Age
Diwali is coming 8 years, 9 weeks and 3 days
September what is 8 years, 12 weeks and 8 hours
Money makes happiness 8 years, 15 weeks and 4 days
Raining time 8 years, 16 weeks and 2 days
Time for sleep 8 years, 16 weeks and 2 days
friendship day is coming 8 years, 16 weeks and 2 days
Jaipur The Pink city 8 years, 16 weeks and 2 days
hello universe 8 years, 16 weeks and 4 days
hadware and software 8 years, 16 weeks and 4 days
MAKE AN IDOL FOR EVERYONE 8 years, 16 weeks and 5 days
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