Top 50 Earning Blogs

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DATE: Aug. 14, 2017, 6:19 p.m.

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  21. Top 50 Earning Blogs!!!
  22. By Matt Smith 221 Comments
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  30. Successful Blogs Earning Money Online
  31. For today’s post, I wanted to look at some of the most successful and profitable blogs that are currently online.
  32. For many people that are just starting blogging, it is hard to know how much you can potentially earn. In the initial stages of setting up a blog, it can be tough to keep motivated to keep going when you’re not making much money, but given time and lots of effort a blog can take off in a big way. The best examples that you can look at are the blogs that are at the top. It certainly inspired me to learn just how much money some of the top blogs make on a daily basis.
  33. The following list of 50 blogs are considered the best in the business. I often get inspired by these blogs, urging me on to put in the work to make my own site the best that it can be. I hope that this inspires you as well!
  34. Website Owner Daily Income Value Main Income
  35. 1 The Huffington Post Arianna Huffington $29,896 $21.82 Million Pay Per Click
  36. 2 Mashable Pete Cashmore $15,781 $11.52 Million Advertising Banners
  37. 3 Techcrunch Michael Arrington $14,816 $10.82 Million Advertising Banners
  38. 4 Engadget Peter Rojas $9,861 $7.2 Million Advertising Banners
  39. 5 Smashing Magazine Vitaly Friedman $6,382 $4.66 Million Advertising Banners
  40. 6 Tuts+ Collis Taeed $5,068 $3.7 Million Membership Area
  41. 7 Life Hacker Nick Denton $4,821 $3.52 Million Advertising Banners
  42. 8 Gizmodo Attila Talos $3,918 $2.86 Million Advertising Banners
  43. 9 Perez Hilton Mario Lavandeira $3,645 $2.66 Million Advertising Banners
  44. 10 Joystiq AOL $1,752 $1.28 Million CPM Advertising
  45. 11 Problogger Darren Rowse $1,751 $1.28 Million Advertising Banners
  46. 12 Kotaku Nick Denton $1,599 $1.17 Million Advertising Banners
  47. 13 Six Revisions Jacob Gube $1,587 $1.16 Million Advertising Banners
  48. 14 Noupe Noupe $1,400 $1.02 Million Advertising Banners
  49. 15 Venture Beat Matt Marshall $1,251 $913,721 Pay Per Click
  50. 16 CopyBlogger Brian Clark $1,184 $864,861 Affiliate Sales
  51. 17 Abduzeedo Fabio Sasso $983 $718,239 Advertising Banners
  52. 18 Talking Points Memo Joshua Marshall $887 $647,750 Advertising Banners
  53. 19 WPBeginner Syed Balkhi $692 $505,420 Affiliate Sales
  54. 20 Matt Cutts Matt Cutts $0* $488,944 Twitter
  55. 21 Steve Pavlina Steve Pavlina $664 $485,024 Pay Per Click
  56. 22 Slash Gear Ewdison Then $621 $453,999 Pay Per Click
  57. 23 Smart Passive Income Pat Flynn $607 $443,406 Affiliate Sales
  58. 24 John Chow John Chow $555 $405,242 Affiliate Sales
  59. 25 Freelance Switch Collis Ta’eed $533 $389,517 Membership Area
  60. 26 Shoemoney Jeremy Schoemaker $485 $354,112 Private Advertising
  61. 27 Gothamist Jake Dobkin $452 $330,022 Pay Per Click
  62. 28 Entrepreneurs Journey Yaro Starak $389 $284,170 Affiliate Sales
  63. 29 IncomeDiary Michael Dunlop $382 $279,505 Affiliate Sales
  64. 30 Chris Brogan Chris Brogan $371 $271,147 Affiliate Sales
  65. 31 Matts Marketing Blog Matt Carter $302 $220,834 Affiliate Sales
  66. 32 ClickNewz Lynn Terry $239 $174,873 Affiliate Sales
  67. 33 Dooce Heather B Armstrong $229 $167,580 Pay Per Click
  68. 34 Coolest Gadgets Allan Carlton $227 $166,069 Advertising Banners
  69. 35 Tony Robbins Tony Robbins $193 $141,526 Affiliate Sales
  70. 36 Just Creative Designs Jacob Cass $185 $135,497 Advertising Banners
  71. 37 David Risley David Risley $137 $100,588 Affiliate Sales
  72. 38 Car Advice Alborz Fallah $127 $92,886 Advertising Banners
  73. 39 Sizlopedia Saad Hamid $118 $86,842 Pay Per Click
  74. 40 Gary Vaynerchuk Gary Vaynerchuk $88 $64,744 Affiliate Sales
  75. 41 PC Mech David Risley $82 $59,955 Affiliate Sales
  76. 42 Timothy Sykes Timothy Sykes $81 $59,284 Affiliate Sales
  77. 43 Joel Comm Joel Comm $75 $55,408 Affiliate Sales
  78. 44 Tyler Cruz Tyler Cruz $74 $54,736 Affiliate Sales
  79. 45 Chris Garrett Chris Garrett $67 $49,327 Affiliate Sales
  80. 46 Money Dummy John Paul Aguiar $65 $48,093 Affiliate Sales
  81. 47 Retireat21 Michael Dunlop $65 $47,487 Affiliate Sales
  82. 48 Revenews ReveNews, LLC $64 $47,122 Affiliate Sales
  83. 49 StandOutBlogger Thomas Sinfield $59 $43,633 Affiliate Sales
  84. 50 BlogBareFoot Carrie Wilkerson $37 $27,390 Affiliate Sales
  85. [* – Matt Cutts has stated (see comments section) that he doesn’t actually earn any money directly via his blog. Instead he utilizes Twitter to promote various products and merchandise to his many followers. Still a viable blog to feature on this list though, as it shows that other methods can be used to make money online.]
  86. This list is only an estimate of the true worth of these sites. If anything, these are probably UNDERestimates, as many of these sites have many streams of income. Check out our ‘30 Ways Your Website Can Earn You Money‘ to learn of other ways in which you can monetize your website.
  87. It took me quite a bit of time to research this ‘Top 50 Earning Blogs‘ list. I learnt a lot from doing this and found loads of interesting sites and bloggers. I believe that this list helps to illustrate the ladder of success that we all strive to climb up.
  88. doesn’t feature on the list YET, however I will strive to work hard to achieve a place amongst these outstanding names. I hope you feel as inspired as I do!
  89. Disclaimer:- The website’s featured in this top 50 list are only estimates and are not 100% accurate! This is just an indication of how well they are doing regarding making money from their blog. All of the ‘Daily Income’ & ‘Value’ statistics were calculated using the free tool ‘’ which can be used to estimate the worth of a website.
  90. If you believe that you deserve a place on the ‘top 50 earning blogs’ list, or know of any blogs that should, please comment below!
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  97. About Matt Smith
  98. Matt Smith is the founder and editor of OnlineIncomeTeacher. He is a Professional Blogger, SEO Consultant & Web Developer, running a number of sites from the UK. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.
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