A walk with death


DATE: May 30, 2013, 3:07 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 963 Bytes

HITS: 9094

  1. A walk with death
  2. One night while in a blissful sleep.
  3. I dreamed I took a walk with Death.
  4. Down the road of life we did walk.
  5. Death why do you bring me down this road?
  6. I ask it but there were no reply.
  7. Death just pointed to the sign that said Alpha
  8. Behold the site that my eyes saw before me.
  9. A woman giving birth to a child.
  10. But Death I do not understand.
  11. Death said nothing just walked on.
  12. With each and every step that we took.
  13. It became painfully clear to me that.
  14. I was walking down the road that I had taken in life.
  15. There were laughter and there were tears down through
  16. the years.
  17. There were great moments of sorrow, but even greater
  18. moments of joy.
  19. Then it became clear to me.
  20. A man is not measured by where he came from, but how he got to where he is in life.
  21. For Death is both the Alpha and the Omega.
  22. The beginning at the ending of all things.
  23. jackie compton

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