--Tier et Tout Script V1.0 by StarBruck
--Tips appreciated - 18VDunYm9EAdAHU2fhGUEVbDe1WdPmGr6, or tip "StarBruck" on PrimeDice
--More strategy info at http://www.roulette30.com/2010/04/tier-et-tout.html
startingbet = balance / 1375 --This is the total amount when
basebet = balance / 1375 / 3 --Bets work better when basebet is divisible by 3. Try 3, 9, 12 , 15 , 18, etc.
nextbet = basebet
sessionprofit = 0 --How much you made in total.
profitamount = 0 --How much you made until a reset.
profittarget = 0.00000020 --Bot resets after this profit target is reached.
profitlimit = 0.00010200 --Bot stops after this profit limit is reached.
chance = 49.50 --MUST be 49.50
won = 0
lost = 0
maxbet = 0
minbalance = balance
function dobet()
print( "bln: " .. balance .. " pb: " .. previousbet )
if (win) then
nextbet = previousbet + previousbet / 3
profitamount = profitamount + currentprofit
won = won + 1
lost = 0
if profitamount >= profittarget then
sessionprofit = sessionprofit + profitamount
profitamount = 0
nextbet = basebet
if sessionprofit >= profitlimit then
print( "Profit Limit reached. Stopping now..." )
print( "Session Profit: " .. sessionprofit )
sessionprofit = 0
nextbet = basebet
nextbet = previousbet * 2
profitamount = profitamount + currentprofit
lost = lost + 1
won = 0
bethigh = !bethigh
if lost >= 2 then
nextbet = basebet
basebet = balance / 1375 / 3