The paragraph generator is written in PI/I and run on
the IBM 360 Model 65. It consists of two main programs:
a data conversion program and a generation program. These
two programs run as separate jobs. The data conversion
program converts the language materials described above
into compact data tables with associative links. The
converted data are stored on a magnetic tape which is used
as input to the generation program.
During the process of paragraph generation it is
desirable that the language data described in the preced-
ing section remain in core storage. However, since the
data base is rather l~rge, its conversion into a more
compact and flexible form is desirable so that storage
requirements and access time can be reduced.
In view o£ the characteristics of the language data
and the generation algorithm (to be described latex), we
structure the data base in the following way.
s. Words belonging to the same parts of speech or
semantic classes are stored in consecutive locations. In
the process of generation, random selection of a word
from a part of speech or a semantic class is often re--
quired. If words are grouped together in form of a table,
a randomly selected number in a proper range can be used
as an index to look up the word from the table.