These days in public services through the CSS examination of the quota system for recruitment that was very modern for the visitors. At that time the province's quota was separated, and the rest of the city, Karachi, Sindh, Balochistan, Frontier, floods, etc., was a joint quota separately. Under that system, the candidate's adequate representation in the service, there will absolutely and very few civil Sindhi officers, police or foreign service who were in power were lykbyvn prime services. For example, in 1972 when he joined as Abdul, who top five pvzyshnn Sindhi officer came in were those Shuja Shah (ksṭmz), Mumtaz Ahmed, Iqbal Ahmed Jumani, Vickie Ali Shah and Abdul. Four officers later found the Income Tax Group. The Civil Service, Foreign Service, the Police Service and one group accounts Sindhi officers could not come. Sindhis service in the extreme minority of the gnbyr situation redress Bhutto phenomenon that's a quota (including Karachi) Frontier, Balochistan and Jammu, Azad Kashmir, separated and then in Sindh Urban ie, urban and rural, from inner to lhdh quota has appointed . The result of this point of the 1973 visitors of federal jobs in a tangible representation received and sufficient Sindhi Officer (in which they were compared to the examination pass Could not were) Advanced Federal Services for been highlighted as in Sindh in the past. V injustice to some extent may be incorporated. So the first visitors in the history of civil, police, foreign, Accounts, Income Tax Services ksṭmz and in the proportion of jobs with visits to the Sindhi people as Bhutto who gave little less so.