Mah 'Lil Pohne Fan Fichsun


DATE: Sept. 7, 2013, 1:49 p.m.

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  1. Mah 'Lil Pohne Fan Fichsun - Chapater One
  2. it was a dark and lonery nite wen da twilight spakle wuz on h3r way to get sum swag. "im gonna get high YOLO" she sayed wen she went out to get high on a bong. "'gawd ho no dammit" sez da owl who had no ho so he flew high AND WENT AWAY TO POnyville where he was all alone because it was dark and scarry. spike was getn spiked by a spiked alconol drunk so he was too high too lol for da owl who had no friens and was gay and homosexuel.
  3. -- to be continued --
  4. Mah 'lil pohne fan fichsun - chapater fifty-tree, intermicson two
  5. == WARING : the following fan ficion contains sexual AND violint conent n bad drugz. reeder discresion is advised!!!!! ==
  6. twilit sparkle wuz at her frend's rarity's house's room where where there they ow. the twilight parkle sed "step it up faget there's teh bong???+" to witch rarity sed "shut up its under mine bed lemme get it". rarity gott her marijuna bong , she got it she hass it. "wow thats a bing--ass dong how cant u even smoke that big ahahahaha" sed twilight who was laughing her ass off becase "haha its so damn huge hopy shit" den twilit stopped laughing and said "i wich spike would could see tis but hes fukin spiked up-asswards becus i gave him so much spiked alcohol. GOG. DAMN,,,
  7. menwhile outside the pink pony who was namned pinkine pie was jumping really high t2o the house were twilit nd rarity was. she hoped to top of building and then went insine where the rarity was getting ponder-marijuan up her hugebass bong, pinkie pie was mad and very angry becase she approve no drugs or alocol so she went insine the windowe an sed "Excuse me, but you seem to be indulging in an activity that is both illegal and very disrespectful of people who use marijuana, as it is called, for medicinal reasons and STRICTLY for medicinal reasons. But as your friend I'm willing to make a heartfelt exception and not tell a single pony about this if you agree to never do this. After all I am the best poSHUT THEF FUCK UP' sed twilit spÄrkle who got her shotsgun and shot shots ast pinkie pies head. the shots of the guns hit the pinkie pie i the head an the head explonded in an very bloody and ultra-realistic way acros the room. pinkie pies brains liend on the floor and there were red and bloody bits (not the money you funking dumpass) all over then roomm. rarity started laughing agan because seh was alrady fucking high and then she gave teh bog to twilight spatle who was covered in blood for kiling pinkie pies head. "take some this is smoe sweet ass weed yo its insane b*tch ahaha" "ok" sed twilight.
  8. meanwhile on the onther room of ratitys house was the owl who wanted some hont pusy toniht.. he wen t tot he the room where the cat was sleeping.l "rice and shine im gona get yO AND FUNK YOU AND DO SOME HONT ASS NIGGA SHIT" SED THE OWLOWSCIOUZ WHO WAS A GOOD DAMN NIGGAWOL: FCK UP YOU FUCKEN FAGGET AMn not gonna get swaged by then links of u fagget. but then he stoped becuse he realized he wasnt a good pimp he was a shity pimp so shitty pimp other pimps wuld been ashamn ed. "UMmmmmmmnnnn-- sorny" sed owloiozzfukduis hwo was now sorry and sad and pussy but not like the other because she was cat,, thenfore pussy. "ur stil a faget too good for this indepandent cat who need no...... MAN~~~~" sed the cat whonse name is opa le scence like somebony gibes a shint...... NO
  10. Mah 'lil pohne fan fichsun - chapater twonty-nein, act five-point-eith
  11. == WARNIG : the following fan ficion contains sexual AND violint conent n bad drugz. reeder discresion is advised!!!!! (i told u first time arounds FANGOT ==
  12. the owl owliisciz was now at jam cus he was facing the cat whose he wasn gong to bangarang rlly hard later. "omfg that's so mean i really wana make you happy nd stuff" said teh owl ho was getin hoot and did't like this at all not... "sorry fanget, i have had descinded alrady, GO AWY" sed teh cat who was becoming pissy and very ultnra-angry. the owl was now in a jam cus he waned some swent ass pussy but now he flew away beacause he was sad and had high angst since al owls are angsty pinches of didshits. "im gona make u, happy :( U UNGRANTEFUL MORE" sed the owl who was onte again ultra gay stupid homosexuel gay hombotool cus he handed no pusy.
  13. menwhile at twilit's house's (witch is a libnranry i kno) spike was geten up after being spinked by twilight's magical spiked alnocol drunkass drinks. "and for the longest time i thought my caretaker wasn't a complete self-centered idiot. looks like i was wrong" sed spike who was getn angry and wanted to some drangon vengeanceses like dargons do wen dey don't get that what them want like diamons.. "and considering she smelled like shit, she must be smoking weed with rarity again. i have to stop her or she might lose her mind and chop her friends' heads off in a wicked weed-induced ecstasy rage" sed spike who was getn vewy self-derperimed efter being dunk. he went outside but not before towing up some choipce poked vomnit all over twilight's rag and the porneix burdd,,,,,. the phoenix bird was........ NOT EXCITED
  14. at fluttershynt's house fluttershy was wanking up from the bed and she flew relly high but did nope becus she's shy and shits. ":33 that sleep was SOOOO tanoshi desuuuu~~~" sed fluttershy ho was now awanked cus she's has slept well and had slepped with her animal fiends who were friendly and stumpid and gays twoo (what did u expect, HOMOBOW PONIES????),, "i reley must get mai bunny bani angel mangel wid me cus he's so kawuiiiii ooo :3 <333" sed fluttersy as she tonked angel wid she as she wents outsine the door where she was now cus she opened the door. "it is soooooooob eautiful <3" sed flutterndereshy as he went to ponnyvile... NOW, but not flying because she like no fly
  15. menwhile at rarity's house, which waS SMOKING HOTbecause of they's weed smokes. applejacker who wasa ngry came to door an clopped den waited for answer cus shes the friendly pony frend, twiligt came to door with pinkins pie's decanapicated hend and smiled at applejack beacause she was hapy. "CELESTIA FUCK, TWILIGHT, HAVE YOU EVEN LOOKED OUTSIDE THIS DAMN HOUSE, THE WHOLE PONYVILLE IS GOING TO GET COVERED IN YOUR SHITTY BURNING RECREATIONAL DRUG SMOKE IF YOU DON'T STOP THE FUCKED UP SHIT YOU ARE DOING RIGHT NOW" sed apel jack ho was nou angry at twilit with its bad because there friedns but not no because applejack is angry. than applejack noticd twilight's pinkie pie's head whitch she was holding unda her face now. "WHAT THE FUCK, TWILIGHT? ARE YOU HOLDING PINKIE PIE'S HEAD RIGHT NOW? YOU USUALLY DON'T DO THESE KINDS OF SHITTY PRANKS, BUT WOW, YOU HAVE REALLY MANAGED TO OUTDO PINKIE ON HER OWN FIELD WITH THIS ONE. SERIOUSLY THOUGH, YOU ARE NOT HOLDING PINKIE PIE'S ACTUAL DECAPITATED HEAD RIGHT NOW, BECAUSE THAT WOULD BE SERIOUSLY FUCKED UP TO THE HIGHEST POWER OF ELEVEN. REALLY? FUCKING *REALLY*?" sad applejack to twilight spankle who was now starting don laugh relley hard hahaha at appelijack who was now angry (she was angry alredy but whateve...). "WOW, YOU HAVE ACTUALLY GONE OFF THE DEEP END THIS TIME, HAVEN'T YOU, YOU LITTLE UNGRATEFUL DIPSHIT? LET ME TELL YOU, I NEVER LIKED YOUR MINDNUMBINGLY BORING BOOKS AND PATHETIC 'PARTIES', BUT IF YOU STOP RIGHT NOW, I CAN MAYBE SPARE YOU A DECENT APOLOGY AND LET YOU GO ON YOUR OWN FUCKED UP BUSINESS. WAIT, YOU KNOW WHAT. FUCK THAT. I'LL JUST PUT YOU DOWN RIGHT NOW SO YOU WON'T MURDER ANYMORE PONIES IN ORDER TO SATIATE YOUR REGRESSED DESIRES. GET A LOAD OF THIS, MAREFUCKER" scrammed appeljack who no plumbed at twilight and did a matrix trix kick townwards into twilit's head in bulent motion action swoosh. applejack kicked twilit into the nose and she flew backwards. but den rarity (who was high and had the marryjuan bonk) came and sed "WTF why u hurt mah tru drug bumdy and waifu. i'm gonna funking kill YOUR ass.... applejack" screamed rarity who with horny launched her metallic bong at applejack at verry high velority so dat it cold chomp her head offff. "OH FOR FUCK'S SAKE" saided applejacked,,
  16. bye then fluttershy had arrinved at ponyville adn saw spike (who was still puking because he's fukin spiked haha get it) and felt really bad and sad end bad and went there to then spike. "aw are u hurt mah little bitty doragoon buddy??? D: D:" sed fluttershun ho was hornied abont spike. "don't worry, this will be over in a minute. i just have to figure out where twilight is and what the hell she is doing. that, and her little owl pal is nowhere to be seen either. have you seen him?" sed skipe who was little pised of. piss. "amn nnn NO :(" sed flattershi. "oh, ok" sed spike- BUT DEN... the owlowscious wol came down cryinging linka smal uselenses shit. "there he is <333 :333333" sed fluttershy who was gong full--on hampy
  17. TOO BEE CONTINUE......
  18. Mah 'lil pohne fan fishcsun - Chapater dirty-four, intermission three.4
  19. == WARNINGG ==
  20. This fan ficion contains hobosexuel conent an extremelelely violent content. Render dicresion is advinced!!!
  21. ==
  22. Applejack's troubles werne beerwing beacause an extremely dongerous metallic bong was cuming at her heads and it was trouble. "FUCK YOU TWILIGHT, YOU MAY HAVE ALL OF THE BULLSHIT MAGIC SPELLS" saided applenjack, "BUT I HAVE A SUPER POWERFUL REALITY BENDING TRICK THAT LOOKS LIKE SOMETHING FROM THE MATRIX, BLATANTLY SO." appleack thended bended bankwards missing the metallic bong which cocktinnued its journey with supa supersonic veloconity. "ahh funk there goes mai faifuful bong :'<" saided twilight as the then bong flied away from ponyville and everything tens of milles awway. appejack then junked backed into position where she sed "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING TO DO NOW, BEAT ME TO DEATH WITH YOUR NOW OUT-OF-REACH METALLIC HYBRID OF A MASTURBATORY TOY AND A BONG?" rarnity was now reley RELEY angry because her bong was no more. then rarity summoned THE superpowerful very angry guy,,,,,,,,,, SWEET BRO who then cammed into apppleacjk's faeces and sed "get a LAOD of this PONY HORNESES ASSets."" "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?" said applejack.
  23. back then fluttershit was watchnig spike throw up but ho now stopped because no moar puke. "oh celestia, i think i just threw up the very last of my guts. get me medical attention or i'll be dead in a minute." saided spike who was very angry and sand beceusae he was going to die soon probably maybe. "OH NOOOOOOEOEESS!!!!1 DDDDDDD:" saided fluttershy who went into veary fast motion boost to help save him. "im gonna help u buddy, so desu neeeeeeeeeeeigh :3333" sxrilled fluttershy who toked rarity and flew awnay leaving owliscois bedind. "oh man FUCK gotta follow these assnes and gent some pussy genting tips MAYBE,,," scrammed owlosciouis who came......., after fluttershy. and flyend awry.
  24. right now applejack was getting redey to fight SWEET BROp who was getting a load of these hornessss asses. but then, sweat bro did a jump and did a bank-flip into the smoke-weed filledd weed ratity-house. "the jump ruse, was a , DICTATION" seided rarity, who then jumped over twilit and started doing really hobosexual movnes to twilight. "let's make this shit happen" saided rarity when she put her horn into horny HAHAHA see wut I did thear:DDDDDDD "OH MY FUCKING GOD OF GODS, I BELIVE I AM PRESENTLY WATCHING TWO MARES GETTING IT ON" applejack screamed but it was late because her head explonded, sending bits of her brians going everywherene because thatt shit was way too gay and lesbian. "haha we made her explode becuse we so homosexuel >;D" sed twilit to ratrity to who wuz her 100% canone true prayring noe. they startled running to ponnyville to kill everythinone because their weed-smoked and gaysexualss.
  25. back in rARITY'S HOUSNES THING, sweet bro was getting ready for suprise nanchon party for GEROMY. "okay, time to get the spoon, out OF the drawer..." saided sweet bro to himherself
  27. fluttershy brought spike to medical appention center where he was pumped full of antrelanine and startned to get uber musceled up to fight bad guys and mabey good guys if spike is bad hmm. "alright, i'm feeling really fine already, maybe it's time to take this thing into overtime." saided spike who jumpned out of honkital bed doing a slam dunk to the floors below. "aww yes <<<:" saided who fluttershynt who thoughted spike is reley desu kawui edsuuu~~
  28. ***** ****
  29. * * * ** *
  30. ** ** * ** *
  31. * * * * BE CONTNIED
  32. *** ****

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