

DATE: July 17, 2019, 2:35 p.m.

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  1. THE $500.00 A MONTH PLAN
  2. One way to make extra money or start a business of your own is by
  3. placing advertising which will pay a good profit. Selling printed
  4. information by mail can be financially rewarding. Classified
  5. advertising is the cheapest way to get into Mail Order and it is
  6. often possible to raise a fortune from these small ads. Just
  7. check any large publication such as Popular Mechanics, for their
  8. classified advertising section and you can see yourself the many
  9. ads.
  10. These small ads, running month after month would not be there if
  11. they were not profitable and making money. according to some of
  12. the promotional material being sent around the country, you could
  13. make up to $500.00 or possibly more by running the following
  14. classified ads over your name and address. They ask you to pick
  15. up a top national publication and test either one or both under
  16. "Money-Making Opportunities" headings and watch the dollars come
  17. in. I did not run any of these ads myself but was told they
  18. really are both profitable. Here are the programs and the
  19. advertisements:
  20. "How would you like to receive $25 daily and keep all the money?
  21. For complete set-up rush $1 to (Your name and address)"
  22. " $500 monthly, work at home, receive money daily. For complete
  23. set-up send $1 to (Your name and address here)"
  24. You are supposed to fill orders you receive with a copy of this
  25. sheet you are now reading. Make photocopies or get a supply
  26. printed to send as needed.
  27. There are other variations of this plan, but all serve the same
  28. purpose: to sell printed information to people who are interested
  29. in making some extra money. (they say it is truly possible to
  30. make money with this plan).
  31. If you study the many classified ads in the big national
  32. publications, you may get a better idea of what the leading
  33. companies in Mail Order are doing. You will get a better idea of
  34. how classified advertising works. if you have limited capital, it
  35. would be wise to run your ads in smaller publications such as
  36. small newspapers, small Mail Order Publications and adsheets.
  37. If you have sufficient capital, some good pulling national
  38. magazines or Tabloids are:
  39. *Popular Mechanics
  40. *Money Making Opportunities
  41. *Salesman's Opportunities
  42. *Specialty Salesman
  43. *Mechanics Illustrated
  44. *National Enquirer
  45. And many others to numerous to mention.
  46. many such magazines tabloids and other good publications are
  47. available at your local news stand, library or through Mail
  48. Order. Many of them require a copy of the material you are
  49. selling with your ad and reserve the right not to print certain
  50. ads they feel may be injurious to the public or the image of
  51. their publication
  52. Yes! You can start your own advertising and mailing business at
  53. home and keep finances ahead of inflation but be sure you are
  54. involved in the kind of program that gives you a reasonable
  55. chance to be a winner!
  56. EL PLAN DE MESES DE $ 500.00
  57. Una forma de ganar dinero extra o iniciar un negocio propio es mediante
  58. Colocando publicidad que pagará una buena ganancia. Venta impresa
  59. La información por correo puede ser financieramente gratificante. Clasificado
  60. La publicidad es la forma más barata de entrar en el pedido por correo y es
  61. A menudo es posible recaudar una fortuna de estos pequeños anuncios. Sólo
  62. Compruebe cualquier publicación grande como Popular Mechanics, para su
  63. sección de publicidad clasificada y usted mismo puede ver los muchos
  64. anuncios
  65. Estos pequeños anuncios, que se publican mes tras mes, no estarían allí si
  66. No eran rentables y hacían dinero. segun algunos de
  67. El material promocional que se envía a todo el país, usted podría
  68. gane hasta $ 500.00 o posiblemente más ejecutando lo siguiente
  69. Anuncios clasificados sobre tu nombre y dirección. Te piden que elijas
  70. subir una publicación nacional superior y probar uno o ambos bajo
  71. Los encabezados de "Oportunidades de ganar dinero" y ver cómo llegan los dólares.
  72. pulg. No publiqué ninguno de estos anuncios, pero me dijeron que
  73. Realmente ambos son rentables. Aquí están los programas y los
  74. anuncios:
  75. "¿Cómo le gustaría recibir $ 25 diariamente y quedarse con todo el dinero?
  76. Para completar la configuración de $ 1 a (su nombre y dirección) "
  77. "$ 500 mensuales, trabajo en casa, recibir dinero diariamente. Para completar
  78. configuración envíe $ 1 a (su nombre y dirección aquí) "
  79. Se supone que debes completar los pedidos que recibas con una copia de este
  80. hoja que estás leyendo ahora. Hacer fotocopias u obtener un suministro.
  81. Impreso para enviar según sea necesario.
  82. Hay otras variaciones de este plan, pero todas sirven al mismo
  83. Propósito: vender información impresa a las personas interesadas.
  84. en hacer algo de dinero extra. (Dicen que es realmente posible
  85. ganar dinero con este plan).
  86. Si estudias los muchos anuncios clasificados en el gran nacional.
  87. publicaciones, puede obtener una mejor idea de lo que los líderes
  88. las empresas en el pedido por correo están haciendo. Tendrás una mejor idea de
  89. Cómo funciona la publicidad clasificada. si tienes capital limitado,
  90. Sería prudente publicar sus anuncios en publicaciones más pequeñas como
  91. Periódicos pequeños, pequeñas publicaciones por correo y publicidades.
  92. Si tienes suficiente capital, algún buen tirón nacional.
  93. Las revistas o tabloides son:
  94. * Mecánica popular
  95. * Oportunidades para hacer dinero
  96. * Oportunidades del vendedor
  97. * Vendedor de especialidades
  98. * Mecánica ilustrada
  99. * Investigador Nacional
  100. Y muchos otros a muchos para mencionar.
  101. muchas revistas de este tipo son tabloides y otras buenas publicaciones.
  102. disponible en su puesto de noticias local, biblioteca o por correo
  103. Orden. Muchos de ellos requieren una copia del material que está
  104. vender con su anuncio y reservar el derecho de no imprimir ciertos
  105. Los anuncios que consideren pueden ser perjudiciales para el público o la imagen de
  106. su publicación
  107. https://steepster.com/tyrionsnow81
  108. https://8tracks.com/lokomy
  109. https://500px.com/tyrionsnow81
  110. https://www.adsoftheworld.com/user/negrura
  111. http://afiliadostop.net/profile/?area=summary;u=8550
  112. https://www.appbrain.com/user/criollow/
  113. https://badtruckers.com/member.php?action=profile&uid=214
  114. https://www.tuugo.es/Companies/alfombras-para-sala/0010006957597?leaf=contacts
  115. https://mix.com/tyrionsnow
  116. https://www.mexicoenfotos.com/~fotosink
  117. http://globalclassified.net/397/posts/5-For-Sale/52-Furniture/1356463-bolardos.html
  118. https://foro.putalocura.com/members/panky.283053/#about
  119. http://drunk-gaming.com/perfil/3213-danna/?tab=field_core_pfield_1
  120. https://www.hispabikers.com/forum/index.php?members/weloverbike.751/
  121. https://cafeshibe.com/members/holderw.535/#about
  122. https://www.forosdeturismo.com/usuarios/pivote.175/
  123. https://animebase.me/members/frencho.267675/#about
  124. https://txt.fyi/+/fadb2f88/
  125. tyrionsnow81.keepandshare.com
  126. https://www.richarddawkins.net/members/mrbean12/
  127. https://forums.securityinfowatch.com/member/340131-dramaturgo/about
  128. https://www.smallbusinessforums.org/member.php?123824-matematiko
  129. http://www.gamesforum.com/user/130513-bambam/
  130. https://conosdetransito.page.tl/
  131. https://hubpages.com/@conos
  132. http://dansner.inube.com/blog/8347612/conos-de-transito/
  133. http://rediles.com/miembros/bichozx/
  134. https://dropspace.io/tyrionsnow81
  135. http://equipo-de-gimnasio.manifo.com/
  136. https://karlos.doodlekit.com/home
  137. http://fitness-1.mozello.com
  138. https://equipodegimnasio.yolasite.com/
  139. http://gym.bravesites.com/
  140. https://logopond.com/arthurmark/profile/345396/?filter=&page=
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  143. https://muchocacharro.com/members/madrugada.563/
  144. https://foro.subetusueldo.com/members/limpiosink.30862/#about
  145. https://canonistasargentina.com/foro/index.php?members/mrmambo.4655/#about
  146. https://jmtella.com/foro/member/333-mardedios/visitormessage/37872-mensaje-de-visitante-de-mardedios#post37872
  147. http://www.tendermeforfree.com/61/posts/8-Business-to-Business-/242--Design/135145-excelente-pasto-artificial-para-tus-canchas-o-patios-con-albercas.html
  148. https://www.rockemite.com/zkraller/
  149. https://foroalfa.org/perfiles/karlos-patanga
  150. http://freewebads.us/0/posts/5-For-Sale/52-Furniture/400774-pasto-artificial.html
  151. http://www.razorman.net/forodeinformatica/members/gatox.15540/#about
  152. https://justpaste.it/7mdry
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  156. https://www.movilesdualsim.com/miembros/freemanpack.190357/#about
  157. http://epcsoftware.org/member.php?action=profile&uid=23275
  158. https://xenorp.com/member.php?action=profile&uid=3225
  159. https://spicyhub.de/manuvidal
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  161. https://www.panfletonegro.com/v/2019/06/15/piso-de-caucho/
  162. http://foroapuestas.forobet.com/members/karlhos.html
  163. http://softwarepublicoregionalbeta.net/u/flavio
  164. https://linkkle.com/Gantaylor
  165. https://sixtyforums.com/member.php?action=profile&uid=391
  166. https://www.taringa.net/tsnow
  167. https://www.spigotmc.org/members/angelfire.709713/
  168. http://getadsonline.com/0/posts/5-For-Sale/52-Furniture/126664-piso-para-crossfit.html
  169. https://invisionfocus.com/profile/94-wilwo/
  170. http://www.tusrelatos.com/autores/tirador
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  176. https://morguefile.com/creative/megom01/1/all
  177. http://www.making-videogames.net/giochi/user-megom02
  178. https://forum.enerserve.eu/member.php?action=profile&uid=2735
  179. http://www.meple02.de.rs/
  180. https://meple02.dipago.de/
  181. https://mesp01.page4.com/
  182. http://mesp01.mfirma.de/index.html
  183. http://community.softshaper.com/index.php?user/187-mewood02/#about
  184. https://mmma2401.simvoly.com/
  185. https://phyphox.org/forums/member.php?action=profile&uid=449
  186. http://www.catho-pc.org/beatitudes/wp-content/plugins/zingiri-forum/mybb/member.php?action=profile&uid=5187
  187. http://forum.excire.com/member.php?action=profile&uid=2327
  188. http://www.snsgarage.com/forum/member.php?action=profile&uid=1521
  189. https://forum.oceandatalab.com/user-55.html
  190. https://daisukimadan.net/forums/member.php?action=profile&uid=1098
  191. http://www.extreamsd.com/forum/member.php?action=profile&uid=2213
  192. http://quantoptions.it/forum/member.php?action=profile&uid=899
  193. https://murlengine.com/forum/member.php?action=profile&uid=1242
  194. http://www.extreamsd.com/forum/member.php?action=profile&uid=2213
  195. http://forums.sentora.org/member.php?action=profile&uid=9785
  196. https://shop.kittmedia.com/user/3176-mesafe01/#about
  197. https://sportuniverse.com/Account/Actividades/5904/#cont
  198. https://getinkspired.com/es/u/mesafe01/
  199. http://www.tusrelatos.com/autores/meche
  200. http://findlinking.cf/story.php?title=senalamiento-vial-para-tu-seguridad
  201. https://sweek.com/profile/AgIEAwwKD24CAwgBCw==
  202. http://www.alexchiu.com/mybb/member.php?action=profile&uid=5321
  203. http://forum.knightsofcamelot.info/member.php?action=profile&uid=16813
  204. https://www.sirspa.com/forum/member.php?action=profile&uid=132302
  205. http://etioling.cf/story.php?title=senalizacion-vial-para-tu-seguridad
  206. http://extend.jsoltesz.com/member.php?action=profile&uid=165
  207. https://www.penana.com/user/50710/mechesepa01/portfolio
  208. https://www.movellas.com/es/user/mechesepa01
  209. https://able2know.org/user/mechefit01/
  210. https://www.discogs.com/es/user/mechefit01
  211. https://dayfinanceltd.com/mybb/member.php?action=profile&uid=9896
  212. https://supremevue.com/mybb/member.php?action=profile&uid=29
  213. https://forum.curvyeditor.com/user-638.html
  214. https://prolympus.com/member.php?action=profile&uid=209
  215. http://relaxbolivia.info/member.php?action=profile&uid=813
  216. http://dynamickillercs.online/forum/user-719.html
  217. https://community.focusme.com/member.php?action=profile&uid=824
  218. https://randomforo.com/user-370.html
  219. https://thehealthgni.com/member.php?action=profile&uid=287
  220. https://forum.routeconverter.com/user-9264.html
  221. http://xenodream.com/forum/member.php?action=profile&uid=15262
  222. http://highfrontier.com/forum/member.php?action=profile&uid=303
  223. http://www.hardwaremana.com/forums/member.php?action=profile&uid=244
  224. https://www.zevenos.com/forum/member.php?action=profile&uid=110145
  225. http://www.mebus01.v2.webself.net/
  226. http://vtv10.cf/story.php?title=tapetes-para-negocio
  227. http://www.usaonlineclassifieds.com/view/item-733162-tapetes-para-sala.html
  228. https://www.smartalec.biz/forum/member.php?action=profile&uid=179
  229. http://www.canetads.com/view/item-2650434-tapetes-para-yoga.html
  230. https://simstodon.com/web/accounts/42323
  231. http://www.ukadslist.com/view/item-8443331-tapetes-personalizados.html
  232. http://forum.l2tower.eu/user-mechetap02
  233. http://www.aunetads.com/view/item-1325250-tapetes-publicitarios.html
  234. https://forum.teamspeak.com/members/402934-mechetap02
  235. http://www.innetads.com/view/item-1319522-topes-de-anden.html
  236. https://forum.jumpleague.net/core/index.php?user/37-mechetap02/#about
  237. http://inside.volleycountry.com/core/user/67275-mechewin/#about
  238. https://respawn-gaming.com/index.php?user/229-mechewin/#about
  239. https://www.fessebouc.fr/people/308cbd90742e0137743a000c295f7e62
  240. https://demo.forostyle.com/WoltLab/index.php?user/34-mechevi01/#about
  241. https://www.freezzer.com/user/4243-mechevi02/#about
  242. https://twitt-dev.opencaribbean.org/people/4e823d00742e0137a7e03c764e104933

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