public with sharing class ResizeImageController
public Attachment theAttachment{get;set;}
public Attachment thumbnail{get;set;}
public String resizedBase64Value{get;set;}
public ResizeImageController()
thumbnail = new Attachment();
theAttachment = new Attachment();
public String theBase64Value
if(theAttachment.Body != null)
theBase64Value = EncodingUtil.base64Encode(theAttachment.Body);
theAttachment.Body = null;//null out as we don't need this any more.helps to reduce view state
return theBase64Value;
public void doAction()
//doesn't do any thing but the uploaded image is put in the view state
//code to save the resized image
public void saveThumbNail()
//create any object to save the attachment to
Merchandise__c theMerchandise = new Merchandise__c(); //custom object to attach the attachment to
theMerchandise.Name = 'test merchandise';
theMerchandise.Description__c = 'test merchandise';
theMerchandise.Price__c = 55;
theMerchandise.Total_Inventory__c = 5;
insert theMerchandise;
thumbnail.ParentId = theMerchandise.Id;
thumbnail.Name = theAttachment.Name;
String tempvalue = resizedBase64Value.substringAfterLast('base64,');//apex doesn't seem to like this MIME type info .so,removing that part.
thumbnail.Body = EncodingUtil.base64Decode(tempvalue);
insert thumbnail;