DATE: Sept. 1, 2013, 2:13 p.m.

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  1. First step to become a programmer: Learn the Basics
  2. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  3. Hi, Im the new member of Expert Hackers Team.
  4. # D4rK ‪#‎4X0R‬
  5. Today, I'm going to explain explain to you some basics about programming.
  6. I will show you three basic components of programming.
  7. 1) Programming Code
  8. 2) Algorithm
  9. 3) Pseudo Code
  10. 1) Programming code:
  11. It is the main part of a software or programme. It tells the computer what to accept as input, how to process it and when and what to display as the output.
  12. I will show you an example of a simple programming code using Python. If you plan on becomign a good programmer, then I would recommend using Python as your first compiler as it is easier to use for beginners.
  13. Download Python :
  14. After installing open the GUI version of it and enter the code below. (It's not neccessary to download Python , If you can understand the code without it)
  15. Programming code:
  16. # This program can be used to input two numbers and get the sum of those two as output.
  17. a = input("Enter the first number" )
  18. b = input("Enter the second number" )
  19. c = a+b
  20. print "The sum of the two numbers is", c
  21. Expressions used :
  22. # is used to give information about the programme. The line which begins with # is not shown to the users. It is used to give information about the programe to other programmers.
  23. A = input : This tells the program to accept and save first input as A
  24. B = input : This tells the program to accept and save first input as B
  25. C = a+b : This tells the program to add the values saved in A and B
  26. print "The sum of the two numbers is", c : This tell the program to show the output or display the value of C.
  27. (".......") : The messages inside these boxes are instructions to the users.
  28. Now those who already installed Python can save this as "" and run it!
  29. Example of how it will work:
  30. Enter the first number 1 (I input 1 and pressed Enter)
  31. Enter the second number 3 (I input 3 and press Enter)
  32. 4 (This is the output or result)
  33. 2)Algorithms:
  34. Algorithms are written in proper English. No programming language is used to write Algorithms.
  35. The Algorithm for the above coding is :
  36. 0.Start
  37. 1.Make the user enter the first number and save it as A
  38. 2.Make the user enter the second number and save it as B
  39. 3.Save the sum of A and B as C
  40. 4.Display the value of C
  41. 5.End
  42. 3)Pseudo Code:
  43. Pseudo Code is the documentation for the programmer. It is a mix of different types of symbols used to convey a message.
  44. The Pseudo Code for the above coding is:
  45. 0.Start
  46. 1.Accept A
  47. 2.Accept B
  48. 3.C=A+B
  49. 4.Display C
  50. 5.Stop
  51. Hope you liked the article. I will be posting more on the topics soon. Xbyte will also try to give a tutorial on Vbs later this month.
  52. We hack We educate We protect!

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