A Heart Full Of Emptiness


DATE: May 29, 2013, 6:05 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

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HITS: 10106

  1. A Heart Full Of Emptiness
  2. An empty sailing vessel
  3. Battered and bruised wrecked too far out for salvage
  4. Just another broken heart
  5. Full of emptiness
  6. Drowning in lost pleasures of life
  7. But so difficult to breathe
  8. Oceans of tears washing up onto the shores of a lost soul
  9. Memories of a time like driftwood
  10. Once precious but now just waiting to be washed away with the tide
  11. He stands alone on the beach his feelings pour out to her
  12. The only one he has faith in for she alone understands she alone hears
  13. She alone listens to the voice of his cries to the voice of his heart
  14. She carries his feelings to the depth and buries them where no mortal sees
  15. She washes over his pain with her healing whispers he alone hears
  16. She sets him free of his love
  17. Lilac Wine

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