Hangover Cure


DATE: Jan. 17, 2014, 2:20 a.m.

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HITS: 589

  1. Hangover Cures Tip #4: Red Beer: It sounds weird, but it really works wonders to cure a hangover. Take one beer and pour it in a glass. Then add one half of a cup of V8 or Clamato juice to the beer. Drink it down and wait for the hangover to be nearly instantly cured. The beer will help to numb the brain and the receptors that are thrown off by the hangover while the tomato juice will help to spike your body with vitamins that will eliminate the dehydration that is felt. Make sure you only drink one beer and not many more as this will only cause a hangover the following day.
  2. http://voices.yahoo.com/hangover-cures-work-tips-curing-hangover-2282718.html?cat=68

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