Git remote set-url origin
At the same time, you do not want to spoil your current implementation in case the new experiment goes south. But if you need to do something the authors didn't expect anyone would ever need to do, then sometimes messing with the internals is required. Merge will help here, but it is both simpler and preserves more history to set the remote on the new branch.
At the same time, you do not want to spoil your current implementation in case the new experiment goes south. Remote repository is the one hosted on to some remote server within your organization or github. You also won't have to enter a password.
Also it should be noted that the push. Run git remote set-url --delete to delete the repository that is pushed to first, and then run git remote set-url --add to add it again so that it becomes the second push destination in the list. At the same time, you do not want to spoil your current implementation in case the new experiment goes south. I am using windows 10 and one repository is private and the other is public, if that matters. Which means in place of origin you can give any name. You also won't have to enter a password. If the push to that repository fails, your commits are not pushed to either repository. So you have to tell GitHub to create a repo on GitHub for you. I mean doing it this means I have to run this command for every branch. It's convenient, however, to mark one repository as the central one. Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Solved: How to remote set - Yes, it can communicate with itself via git commands. I also tried to play with: git remote set-url --push myfork origin and other options but none seem to work maybe because I deleted the origin remote too soon?
Hello I cant update my repository. The message I get is: fatal: repository '' not found when I enter git remote -v I get origin fetch origin push I havent been using git that long. I dont know what it means when one command cant find the repository another command reports. I did log into git with a different accout then sqitch back. I suspect that some part didnt switch over while another part did. Before I spend hours trying to figure out this pecularity I thought best to see if someone with more knoweldge of git may know what this means. I am using windows 10 and one repository is private and the other is public, if that matters. Thanks Yes, it is git remote set-url origin. Ive seen the book, But that is only useful when everything is working. I cant find any trouble shooting guides. Has aceofwings added you as a collaborator on that repository. Since it is private, if they haven't done that, you won't be able to access the repository. Beyond that, since it is a private repository you should probably contact private support at. Git remote set-url origin will have the access to take a look at what might be going wrong. I have a similar issue to Marvelous-Software. However, when I go to my github account, the aforementioned repo doesn't exist. So you have to tell GitHub to create a repo on GitHub for you. You can do this in a few different ways, the simplest one is to go to and follow the instructions. Once you've done that, then the remote connection you've defined already will work.