Nationalism in Europe a The growth of nationalism in Europe after the 1830s. Nationalist Movement in Indo-China a French colonialism in Indo-China. Nationalism in India: Civil Disobedience Movement a First world war, Khilafat and Non-Cooperation. Industrialisation 1850s—1950s a Contrast between the form of industrialization in Britain and India. Case studies: Britain and India 5. Urbanisation and Urban Lives a Patterns of urbanisation b Migration and the growth of towns. Case studies:London and Bombay in the nineteenth and twentieth century. Trade and Globalization a Expansion and integration of the world market in the nineteenth and early twentieth century. Case studies: The post War International Economic cbse class 10 social science syllabus, 1945 to the 1960s. Print Culture and Nationalism a The history of print in Europe. History of the Novel a Emergence cbse class 10 social science syllabus the novel as a genre in the west. Resources: Types — natural and human; Need for resource planning. Natural Resources: Land as a resource, soil formation, types and distribution; changing land-use pattern; land degradation and conservation measures. Forest and wildlife resources: Types and distribution, depletion of flora and fauna; conservation and protection of forests and wildlife. Agriculture: Types of farming, major crops, cropping pattern, technological and institutional reforms; their impact; contribution of Agriculture to national economy — employment and output, food security, impact of globalisation. Water resources: Sources, distribution, utilisation, multipurpose projects, water scarcity, need for conservation and management, rainwater harvesting. One case study to be introduced 4. Mineral Resources: Types of minerals, distribution, use and economic importance of minerals, conservation. Power Resources: Types of power resources — conventional and non-conventional, distribution and utilization, and conservation. Manufacturing Industries: Types, spatial distribution, contribution to industries to the national economy, industrial pollution and degradation of environment, measures to control degradation. One case study to be introduced 7. Working of democracy Are divisions inherent to the working of democracy. What has been the effect of caste on politics and of politics on caste. How has the gender division shaped politics. How do communal divisions affect democracy. Power sharing mechanisms in democracy Why and how is power shared in democracies. How has federal division of power in India helped national unity. To what extent has decentralisation achieved this objective. How does democracy accommodate different social groups. Competition and contestations in democracy How do struggles shape democracy in favour of ordinary people. What role do political parties play in competition and contestation. Which are the major national and regional parties in India. Why have social movements come to occupy larger role in politics. Outcomes of democracy Can or should democracy be judged by its outcomes. What outcomes can one reasonably expect of democracies. Does democracy in India meet these expectations. Has democracy led to development, security and dignity for the people. What sustains democracy in India. Challenges to democracy Is the idea of democracy shrinking. What are the major challenges to democracy in India. How can democracy be reformed and deepened. What role can an ordinary citizen play in deepening democracy?.