Silence Is Golden..... Unless You Have A Child

SUBMITTED BY: pinnacleseth

DATE: Sept. 17, 2017, 10:39 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 919 Bytes

HITS: 295

  1. We all know that Silence is Oh so golden...Unless you have a child!
  2. You cannot close your eyes and thin that silence means they are behaving...If you try it,you might just wake u to find the living like in this photo
  3. One of my 'Silence is golden unless you have a child' moment that i will never forget is when i thought my boys were playing with their toys upstairs because every where was silent,i was in the living room downstairs and dozed off......
  4. I must have slept for a fraction of a second and was woken up by something....The house too quiet and I went looking for them and found one in the bathroom all covered in shaving cream shaving off non existent hair on his
  5. I have had too many moments like this that even now that they are not so little anymore to cause havoc, i still scream out their names if there is silence.
  6. Do you have any silence is golden unless you have a child story?gist us!

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