The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla PART 2


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  1. The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla
  2. student, that made me embrace the electrical career. I reflected that the conditions for a look into the beyond were most favorable, for my mother was a woman of genius and particularly excelling in the powers of intuition. "During the whole night every fibre in my brain was strained in expectancy, but nothing happened until early in the morning, when I fell in a sleep, or perhaps a swoon, and saw a cloud carrying angelic figures of marvelous beauty, one of whom gazed upon me lovingly and gradually assumed the features of my mother. "The appearance slowly floated across the room and vanished, and I was awakened by an indescribably sweet song of many voices. In that instant a certitude, which no words can express, came upon me that my mother had just died. And that was true. "I was unable to understand the tremendous weight of the painful knowledge I received in advance, and wrote a letter to Sir William Crookes while still under the domination of these impressions and in poor bodily health. "When I recovered, I sought for a long time the external cause of this strange manifestation and, to my great relief, I succeeded after many months of fruitless effort. I had seen the painting of a celebrated artist, representing allegorically one of the seasons in the form of a cloud with a group of angels which seemed to actually float in the air, and this had struck me forcefully. "It was exactly the same that appeared in my dream, with the exception of my mother's likeness. The music came from the choir in the church nearby at the early mass of Easter morning, explaining everything satisfactorily in conformity with scientific facts." As Tesla grew older, he became more interested in spirituality and mankind's place in the universe. Tesla had remarked once about inventing a machine that could project human thoughts onto a screen, much like a modern television. This idea would continue to be on his mind up until the time of his death. Dale Alfrey remembers several notations concerning Tesla's ideas on the nature of the human spirit and whether it continues on after physical death. Tesla had been brought up in a religious environment - but he had become more "humanistic" in his attitudes and considered physical life to be no more than a "automation of nature." "Tesla became more open to the idea that there is a spirit or soul that continues in another plane of existence after death," recalls Alfrey. "At one point Tesla chided Edison for stealing his idea on using a form of radio to contact the dead."
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  5. Voices in the Aether
  6. After his initial reception of enigmatic radio signals in 1899, Tesla worked for many years to perfect the receiving and transmitting equipment that was needed to better pick up and translate the possible alien broadcasts. At first the signals were nothing more than rhythmic sounds, almost a morse code type of transmission he reported. Around 1918, Tesla started to receive what he considered to be voice transmissions, except the voices he was picking up were not human. Instead, Tesla wrote that - "The sounds I am listening to every night at first appear to be human voices conversing back and forth in a language I cannot understand. I find it difficult to imagine that I am actually hearing real voices from people not of this planet. There must be a more simple explanation that has so far eluded me." In 1925 Tesla wrote that - "I am hearing more phrases in these transmissions that are definitely in English, French and German. If it were not for the fact that the frequencies I am monitoring are unusable for terrestrial radio stations, I would think that I am listening to people somewhere in the world talking to each other. This cannot be the case as these signals are coming from points in the sky above the Earth." Nikola Tesla may have been one of the first to receive strange radio signals that he thought were from beyond Earth, but he certainly wasn't the last. It is now known in the journals of Fortean that mysterious messages claiming extraterrestrial origins are being received repeatedly by ordinary, household electronics. Startled witnesses have reported strange signals emanating from turned off televisions and radios, as well as weird phone calls filled with electronic sounds and whispering voices. In the early days of radio experimentation, hobbyists were amazed when their primitive sets would suddenly burst forth with strong, clear signals, far more powerful then any existing station at the time. The signals have often been explained away as normal radio interference caused by the weather or other natural sources. In 1965, Soviet scientists Gennady B. Sholomitsky, Nikolai Kardashev and I. S. Shklovskii, received world wide attention when they announced that they had received radio signals from beacons of some super-civilization in space. These signals, they said, were ordered and indicative of interplanetary intelligence.
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  9. Later, other radio astronomers discovered that these signals were coming from celestial bodies that we now know as quasars. Other strange radio signals have not been as easily explained. Dr. Hugh Mansfield Robinson, conducting a set of radio experiments in 1921, received intelligent signals on the thirty-thousand-meter wavelength. Ernest B. Rogers, the engineer in charge of the test felt compelled to state that "the signals were of extraterrestrial origin, as there were no sending instruments of that power on Earth at that time." An amateur radio astronomer named Grote Reber reported receiving strong dot-and-dash signals from space in 1939. He had build a thirty-foot dish antenna in Wheaton, Illinois and said he often listened to the signals for eight hours at a time. They seemed to come from one specific spot in the sky. None of these early, mysterious signals have ever been explained.
  10. Long Delayed Echoes
  11. Radio enthusiasts in the 1920s discovered a phenomenon which they labeled LDE (Long Delayed Echoes). Signals sent out from earth sometimes came bouncing back several seconds later, as if they had been reflected back by something in space. In a few instances some LDEs returned days, months, even years later. Researchers in Europe reported LDE's in 1927, 1928 and 1934. The echo pulses were delayed from three to fifteen seconds. Dr. Ronald N. Bracewell of Stanford University speculated in 1962 that an alien satellite equipped with a computer which would scan all radio frequencies as it traveled through space, could be responsible for the strange LDEs. The satellite would pick up intelligent signals, record them and then rebroadcast it back on the same frequency. Suppose, he thought, that the satellite was programmed so that if the message was returned again, indicating the system was understood, it would then transmit a message of its own. The LDEs of the 1920s could have come from such a satellite suggested Bracewell. In the weekly scientific journal Nature, there appears in the issue of November 3, 1928, a letter written by one Jorgen Hals, a radio engineer of Bygodo, Oslo, to physicist Carl Stormer.
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  14. "At the end of the summer of 1927 I repeatedly heard signals from the Dutch short-wave transmitting station PCJJ at Eindhoven. At the same time as I heard these I also heard echoes. I heard the usual echo which goes round the Earth with an interval of about l/7th of a second as well as a weaker echo about three seconds after the principal echo had gone. "When the principal signal was especially strong, I suppose the amplitude for the last echo three seconds later, lay between 1/10 and 1/20 of the principal signal in strength. From where this echo comes I cannot say for the present, I can only confirm that I really heard it." Stormer initiated certain tests as a result of this communication and on October 11, 1928, these achieved some success. During the afternoon of that day Station PCJJ in Eindhoven emitted very strong signals on 31.4 meters. Both Hals and Stormer heard very distinct echoes several times, the interval between signal and echo varying between three and five seconds, most of them coming back about eight seconds after the principal signal. Sometimes two echoes were heard with an interval of about four seconds. Physicist Van der Pol confirmed these observations in a telegram that read: "Last night special emission gave echoes here varying between three and 15 seconds. 50% of echoes heard after eight seconds!" At the time these peculiarly long echoes were attributed by Stormer to auroral causes but the feeling today is that they have never been adequately explained. Six years later, in 1934, radio echoes of a similar kind from Holland were also heard. A young Scottish astronomer named Duncan Lunan reviewed the LDE records of the 1920s and set out to decode them. He laid out the LDE data on a graph, using dots to represent the pauses between echoes. To his astonishment, a map began to take shape. "The dots made up a map of an easily-recognized constellation," Lunan said. "The Constellation of Bootis in the northern sky. The curious pattern of delayed echoes was actually a pattern of star positions." Lunan worked up other LDE maps and found that they all seemed to center around Epsilon Bootis, a star in the constellation. Lunan speculated that the LDEs were indicating that the point of origin for the alien satellite was the star system Epsilon Bootis. Lunan submitted his findings to the British Interplanetary Society. Kenneth Gatland, vice president of the society was enthusiastic about Lunan's findings.
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  17. "Lunan's findings are utterly astounding. I have studied the maps and must come to the same conclusions he did." Unusual radio broadcasts are often reported in areas of high UFO activity. In January, 1954, people throughout the Midwest heard a voice coming through turned-off radios. The voice, speaking in a dull monotone, stated: "I wish no one to be afraid, although I speak from space. But if you do not stop your preparations for war, you will be destroyed." This type of unusual broadcast has been heard by startled listeners worldwide. No earthly hoaxer was ever been caught or confessed. On August 3, 1958, radio ham operators throughout the United States reportedly picked up a strange broadcast on the seventy-five-meter international band. A male voice claiming to be "Nacoma from the planet Jupiter" warned his listeners that the atomic bomb tests could lead to disaster. The voice spoke for two-and-a-half hours in English, German, Norwegian and his own language, described as a kind of musical gibberish. "It was the most powerful signal ever picked up," one account said. 'There was plenty of time during the broadcast for hundreds to listen, and radio operators called in friends and neighbors and phoned long distance to relatives in other states to listen in." Author John Keel wrote in the September, 1977 issue of UFO Reportthat while in West Virginia, he visited a radio hobbyist and listened to strange sounds on a homemade VLF (Very Low Frequency) radio set. "Strange voices were chattering back and forth on frequencies that supposedly cannot carry voice transmission. They spoke in a rapid-fire guttural language we could not identify. At first I thought it might be ordinary people speaking through a 'scrambler.' but later I sought out and listened to samples of voice transmissions through different kinds of scramblers and there was no similarity." According to the Spanish newspaper El Diario De Nueva York, on January 31, 1950, UFO activity over Madrid, Spain was accompanied by unusual radio broadcasts. "In the last two days, near midnight, intense phosphorescence and the forms of strange lights have been observed at the same time. They have passed through the sky from north to south, and radio receivers have heard, during the occurrence of this phenomenon, words pronounced in an incomprehensible tongue. Popular fancy supposes that these luminous signals may come from the planet Mars."
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  20. Strange voices speaking a guttural, unknown language has been often associated with inexplicable radio broadcasts. Nor has this phenomena been contained to anecdotal tales from untrained individuals. Since its inception, NASA has experienced unauthorized radio interference problems of one form or another on practically every manned space mission. A good example was the Mercury Faith 7 flight with Astronaut Gordon Cooper. On May 15, 1963, during his forth pass over Hawaii, Cooper's voice transmission was suddenly interrupted and drowned out by "an unintelligible foreign language transmission" on the channel reserved for space flights - a frequency which few if any amateurs were equipped to broadcast on. If the signal came from the ground, it had to come from Hawaii, but the FCC never solved the mystery. NASA recorded the transmission, which sounded like a voice grunting and speaking rapidly in a language that has never been identified.
  21. The Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence
  22. In 1955 two Cornell University physicists, Giuseppi Cocconi and Philip Morrison, published a paper suggesting it might be possible to use microwave radio to communicate between the stars. By pointing a radio telescope at a near by, Sun-like star that might have planets, astronomers might be able to detect radio waves generated by intelligent life there. Since 1960, The Search for Extra-terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) has been carried on by scientific researchers. Radio waves are considered the best means available, given current technology, for trying to detect extra-terrestrial intelligence. Radio waves travel at the speed of light (which is the fastest theoretical speed possible) which is about 300,000 kilometers a second. At this speed a signal sent from our nearest neighbor star, Proxima Centauri, takes over four years to reach Earth. This may seem like a long time, but the fastest space probe currently built would take 300,000 years to make the same trip. Radio astronomer Frank Drake was the first to attempt a SETI search by using an 85 foot antenna at Greenbank, West Virginia, to listen in the direction of two nearby stars, Tau Ceti and Epsilon Eridani. For two months he monitored the stars for signals at 1,420 MHz, a frequency associated with hydrogen, which was chosen as a logical channel to listen to
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  25. because of its astronomical significance (Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the Universe). Unfortunately, Drakes project achieved no positive results. Additional SETI programs were conducted in the Soviet Union through the 1960's but the next serious attempt in the United States wasn't made until the early 70's when NASA's Ames Research Center put together a team of experts to consider how an effective search could be done. The result was known as Project Cyclops. Radio astronomers, using the work in the Cyclops report, started conducting searches throughout the 70's using existing antennas and receivers.
  26. The "WOW!" Signal
  27. In 1977 Dr. Jerry Ehman was involved in a search for signals of an artificial origin using the "Big Ear" antenna (now replaced by a golf course) at Ohio State University. Out of this effort came one of the most interesting, and mystifying, signals to date. Known as the "Wow!" signal (after the exclamation written by Dr. Ehman next to a particularly tantalizing part of the computer printout), it still remains unexplained. The "Wow!" source radio emission entered the receiver of the Big Ear radio telescope at about 11:16 p.m. Eastern Daylight Savings Time on August 15,1977. Dr. Ehman had worked at OSU as an assistant professor in electrical engineering and astronomy. When the National Science Foundation cut funding to the Big Ear in 1972, Dr. Ehman was let go, but he stayed on as a volunteer. "A few days after the August 15, 1977 detection, I began my routine review of the computer printout from the multi-day run that began on August 15th. Several pages into the computer printout I was astonished to see the string of numbers and characters '6EQUJ5' in channel 2 of the printout. "I immediately recognized this as the pattern we would expect to see from a narrowband radio source of small angular diameter in the sky. In the red pen I was using I immediately circled those six characters and wrote the notation 'Wow!' in the left margin of the computer printout opposite them. "After I completed the review of the rest of the printout, I contacted Bob Dixon and Dr. John D. Kraus, the Director of the Big Ear Radio Observatory. They were astonished too. Then we began an analysis of what has been called for more then 20 years the "Wow! source."
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  30. Could the signal actually be of extraterrestrial origin? Ohio State University researchers weren't sure. They trained the massive scope on that part of the sky for the next month, but the signal was never recorded again. Dr. Ehman, who has continued his research on the "Wow!" signal, writes that after more than twenty years, the signal still remains a mystery. "Even if it were intelligent beings sending a signal, they'd do it far more than once," Ehman says. "We should have seen it when we looked for it again. At this point we have eliminated any terrestrial sources for the signal. Thus, since all of the possibilities of a terrestrial origin have been either ruled out or seem improbable, and since the possibility of an extraterrestrial origin has not been able to be ruled out, I must conclude that an ETI (Extraterrestrial Intelligence) might have sent the signal that we received as the "Wow!" source. "Of course, being a scientist, I await the reception of additional signals like the "Wow!" source that are able to be received and analyzed by many observatories. Thus, I must state that the origin of the "Wow!" signal is still an open question for me. There is simply too little data to draw many conclusions. In other words, I choose not to draw vast conclusions from 'half-vast' data." Curious signals were picked up from 12 stars by the 300-foot radio telescope at Green Bank, WV, according to an article published in the January 29, 1978 edition of The Baltimore Sun. The signals took the form of strong bursts at a wavelength of 21 cm, one of the wave lengths characteristic of the hydrogen molecule. Unfortunately, the signals were so short that their information content, if any, could not be recorded. Since the bursts were not repeated (except for a second burst from Barnard's Star), some natural phenomenon may be at work rather than intelligent communicators, who would presumably be more persistent. The peculiar signals, which had never been recorded before, were discovered as part of Project Ozma II, in which radio astronomers listened to 21-cm radio waves from hundreds of nearby stars. SETI is stepping up efforts to increase its chances of relocating one of these signals and has secured the use of the world's largest radio telescope at Arecibo in Puerto Rico. Scientists worldwide are excited by possible future discoveries. SETI scientists are also negotiating with British astronomers to launch a five-year project to allow speedy verification and tracking of these elusive noises. Whenever SETI identifies a suspect signal, radio telescopes at Jodrell Bank will
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  33. scan the same section of the sky to locate it. In this way the scientists can rule out possible terrestrial interference from radar, airplanes, even microwave ovens as a cause. "I'm sure there are signals that have come and gone that we couldn't get to the bottom of. That's not to say it's little green men trying to communicate with us, but we just don't know," said Dr Tom Muxlow, an astronomer at the British radio astronomy observatory. He disclosed that Jodrell Bank had picked up about six rogue signals. The possibility that the signals have extra-terrestrial origins cannot be ignored, according to Nobel laureate Tony Hewish, emeritus professor of radio astronomy at Cambridge University. In 1967 Hewish and Jocelyn Bell, a student, believed they had found evidence of an alien first contact when they detected a regular pulse of radio signals coming from a distant star. "It all had an air of unreality about it, but for a month we thought it was possible that the signals were coming from intelligent life on another planet. When radio astronomers pick up signals that are very peculiar they take it with a big pinch of salt, but you cannot remove the possibility," said Hewish. Instead, they had found a pulsar, a rapidly spinning neutron star, a discovery for which Hewish won a Nobel prize in 1974. Shostak is not put off by the prospect that any signal from an alien world would probably be indecipherable. "If we heard from an ET, it would be from a civilization that is a long way ahead of us, maybe even a million years more advanced than we are," he said. Recently, Peter Backus, of Project Phoenix in California, believed that he was listening to messages from outer space via the 64-meter Parkes radio telescope in Australia. The telescope, the biggest in the southern hemisphere, picked up a distinct, but inexplicable, radio signal around 2.4 gigahertz at about the same time each evening. However, a thorough investigation revealed that the scientists were not listening to other planets communicating through space. Instead, they were eavesdropping on meals cooking in the microwave oven downstairs. "It was pretty loud," Dr. Backus told the annual meeting of the American Astronomical Society in San Antonio. "One time I tracked one signal for two hours. I couldn't rule it out as human noise. I was just about to tell my colleagues when I realized that the signal was suspiciously linked to break times."
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  36. Chapter Five Tesla and Electronic Voice Phenomena
  37. No one can deny that computers and electronics have forever changed our way of life. There are electronic controls and computer chips in everything from the small appliances that toast our bread to the cars we drive, and make possible myriad forms of new entertainment, from VCRs and DVDs to video games and talking stuffed toys. For a number of years some people have claimed that electronics can be useful in a quite unexpected way: to contact the dead, or at least allow the dead to contact us. Obviously, these claims are highly controversial. They make many assumptions: that there is life after death, that the dead are interested in contacting us, and that they have the means by which to do so. The mysterious signals that Tesla received could be linked to what is now known as Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP). Tesla was one of the first men to experiment with the necessary electronic receiving equipment. The very same equipment, albeit more sophisticated than Tesla had access to, is being used today to receive EVP. Many people experimenting with Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) and Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC) say they have received messages from "the other side" through radios, tape recorders, VCRs, televisions, telephones, and even computers. These phenomena have manifest themselves since the appearance of the instruments themselves. EVP, for example, has been reported for well over 50 years or more: Strange voices being picked up with primitive radios during WWI and heard faintly on magnetic recording tape. Tesla may have been the first to receive these electronic voices from another plane of reality. As with other modes of communications with alleged discarnate entities, care must be taken not to be swayed by the stories often told by beings from the other side. Tesla may have been duped, so-to-speak, by voices that only pretended to be creatures from other planets. This is nothing new to those who are familiar with the tall tales told to them by spirits who claim to be ascended masters, Abraham Lincoln or Ashtar of the Interplanetary Space Command. Spirits love to tell lies to anyone who will listen.
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  40. Those such as Tesla and Marconi who experimented with radio early on were the first to report anomalous sounds and voices emanating from their radio receivers. These early reports were looked upon as mildly interesting curiosities and quickly forgotten. Theosophist Alice Bailey in 1936, transcribed these words of her great teacher, the Tibetan Master DK: "Within the next few years the fact of the eternity of existence will have advanced from the realm of questioning into the realm of certainty. Through the use of the radio by those who have passed over, will communication be set up and reduced to a true science." It has been widely written that Edison and his assistant, Dr. Miller Hutchinson, were seriously at work building a machine to achieve spirit communication. Tesla wrote in his journals that Thomas Edison had heard from other engineers that Tesla had been receiving mysterious voices and sounds over radio frequencies that were not conducive for the broadcasting of the human voice. Edison, who publically mocked Tesla and his experiments, privately believed that Tesla had managed to find the correct frequency to enable communication with spirits of the dead. Edison was determined to discover Tesla's secret, and be the first to get the "Spirit Phone" on the market. In his diary, Dr. Miller Hutchinson wrote: "Edison and I are convinced that in the fields of psychic research will yet be discovered facts that will prove of greater significance to the thinking of the human race than all the inventions we have ever made in the field of electricity." Edison failed to live long enough to succeed with his ill-gotten idea to best Tesla. Tesla simply noted in his journal that Edison was trying to use his patents to talk with specters. Edison thought that Tesla could listen to spirits, Tesla considered that he was hearing people from other planets - the voices could have been the same, they may have just changed their stories to fit the belief system of the listener. In 1967, Edison allegedly spoke through West German clairvoyant Sigrun Seuterman, in trance, about his earlier efforts to develop equipment for recording voices from the beyond. Edison also made suggestions as to how to modify TV sets and tune them to 740 megahertz to get paranormal effects. (Session recorded on tape by Paul Affolter, Liestal, Switzerland). On September 15, 1952, two Catholic priests, Father Ernetti and Father Gemilli were collaborating on a musical research project; Ernetti as an internationally
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  43. respected scientist, physicist, philosopher and music lover, and Gemilli as President of the Papal Academy. The two men were trying to record a Gregorian chant, but a wire in their equipment kept breaking. Exasperated, Gemilli looked up and asked his dead father for help. To his amazement his fathers voice was heard saying: "Of course I shall help you. I'm always with you." They repeated the experiment, and the voice, even clearer than before, said: "But Zucchini, it is clear, don't you know it is I?." Gemilli was astonished. No one knew his childhood nickname but his father. The priest was suddenly afraid, for as a Catholic priest he had no right to speak with the dead. Troubled, the two men eventually sought an audience with Pope Pius XII in Rome. Gemilli told the Pontiff of his experience, and to his surprise, was reassured. According to the 1990 translated text of his meeting, Pope Pius told Gemilli: "You really need not worry about this. The existence of this voice is strictly a scientific fact and has nothing whatsoever to do with spiritism. The recorder is totally objective. It receives and records sound waves from wherever they come. This experiment may perhaps become the cornerstone for a building for scientific studies which will strengthen people's faith in a hereafter." Electronic Voice Phenomena was next researched by two men from California, the medium Attila von Szalay and paranormal researcher Raymond Bayless. In 1956, they recorded, quite by chance, a series of paranormal voices on magnetic tape, voices that should not logically have been there. Though Bayless reported their experiments in the Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, like Tesla years before, not a single person contacted the society or the researchers to enquire about their work. It was not until 1959 when Friedrich Juergenson, a film producer in Sweden, first made public his amazing voice recordings, did the world sit up and take notice of the Tesla voice phenomena. Juergenson, while making a documentary, had decided to try and tape bird songs. When he played the tape back he was startled to hear, in among the tweeting and chirping, what sounded like his mother's voice say in German: "Friedrich, you are being watched. Friedel, my little Friedel, can you hear me?" Years later, Juergenson said that when he heard his mother's voice he was convinced he had made "an important discovery."
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  46. Radio Contact With the Dead?
  47. In 1967, Juergenson's Radio Contact with the Dead was translated into German, and Latvian psychologist Dr. Konstantin Raudive read it skeptically. He visited Juergenson to learn his methodology, decided to experiment on his own, and soon began developing his own experimental techniques. Like Juergenson, Raudive too heard the voice of his own deceased mother, who called him by his boyhood name: "Kostulit, this is your mother." Eventually he catalogued tens of thousands of voices, many under strict laboratory conditions. He published his book, Unhoerbares Wird Hoerbar (The Inaudible Becomes Audible), based on 72,000 voices he recorded. In 1971, the chief engineers of Pye Records Ltd. decided to do a controlled experiment with Raudive. They invited him to their sound lab and installed special equipment to block out any radio and television signals. They would not allow Raudive to touch any of the equipment. Raudive used one tape recorder which was monitored by a control tape recorder. All he could do was speak into a microphone. They taped Raudive's voice for eighteen minutes and none of the experimenters heard any other sounds. But when the scientists played back the tape, to their amazement, they heard over two hundred voices recorded on tape. In the same year, Colin Smythe, Ltd. England, published expanded English translations of Raudive's book: Breakthrough, an Amazing Experiment in Electronic Communication with the Dead. Dr. Konstantin Raudive was a Latvian psychologist who had read Juergenson's book, Radio Contact with the Dead, with a great deal of scepticism when it was translated into German in 1967. Nevertheless he was intrigued and over several years carried out hundreds of experiments under laboratory conditions. In the years that followed, Juergenson and Raudive continued their research that inspired countless others to emulate their experiments. But constant criticism that the EVP was nothing more than ambient sounds processed by the mind into a semblance of speech, or snatches of shortwave radio, dampened enthusiasm for research in Europe. However, during the 1970s and early 80s in the United States, EVP continued to evolve with much of the work spearheaded by a retired engineer, George Meek. In 1971, Meek opened a small laboratory Philadelphia after a lifetime's interest
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  50. in the paranormal. Meek soon became immersed in EVP - and realized its limitations. Meek was convinced that for electronic communication with the dead to really make its mark, apparatus more sophisticated than cassette recorders and AM radios would be necessary. Meek decided that the best way to succeed was to attempt contact with someone who had passed on and work with him and his team in achieving two-way communication with the Other Side. The problem of course was gaining the initial contact. Meek wrote to the now defunct American magazine The Psychic Observer, which put him in touch with Bill O'Neil, an electronics engineer who was also a gifted clairvoyant. Through O'Neil, Meek's team, later to form themselves into the Metascience Foundation, made contact with a man who claimed to have been dead for five years and who was a medical doctor while on earth. "Doc Nick," as the discarnate became known, suggested to O'Neil that the team use certain audio frequencies instead of the white noise traditionally used by EVP researchers. This, he said, would serve as an energy source against which the sounds produced by his vocal cords could be played. The resulting experiments worked better than anyone had ever expected. Soon after, a spirit being calling himself Dr. George Jeffries Mueller, was recruited to the team, or rather he announced he had come to join them after materializing one afternoon in O'Neil's living room. Mueller claimed to be a deceased university professor and NASA scientist. Mueller told Meek and O'Neil that he had died in 1967 and gave them numerous facts with which to verify his identity including his security number; the place where his death certificate could be found; and intimate details of his life and scholastic achievements. All of them checked out. He began communicating regularly; helping to design a new piece of electromagnetic equipment that would convert spirit voices to audible voices. On October 27, 1977, his first words were recorded on the new system Meek called Spiricom. Tapes of the Mueller conversations were subsequently released to the public. The voice of Mueller can be plainly heard joking with Meek and O'Neil and discussing topics from his favorite foods to the view of time from the spirit world. He gave unlisted telephone numbers asking them to make calls to confirm the identity (which they did successfully) of the people at the other end (usually
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  53. top-level government personnel); and he gives O'Neil precise directions with which to help build experimental video equipment to take spirit communication to the next level. The clarity of the communications is astounding- and sometimes amusing: in one conversation, Mueller identifies a problem with a particular device and impatiently barks at O'Neil: "The fault lies in an impedance mis-match which can be corrected by using a 150 ohm half-watt resistor in parallel with a 0.0047 microfad ceramic capacitor." Eventually, Mueller ceased contact after telling Meek and O'Neil that natural law meant he could "not be here forever." (He did in fact return once more to a group of ITC researchers working in Rivenick, Germany, led by Adolph Homes. In 1991 they received on a TV screen an image which was said to be that of Dr Mueller). Meek concluded that Mueller had progressed to a higher state of being to such a point that Spiricom could no longer be used for communication. Apparently, only beings closest to the Earth plane of existence, could communicate through the relatively primitive electronics. It had become clear that the most limiting aspect of the device was the fact that it depended almost entirely on the operator possessing mediumistic or psychic abilities. Obviously, gifted individuals like Bill O'Neil, Dr. Konstantin Raudive and Nikola Tesla were a necessary component in the reception of signals and voices from the Aether. Much like batteries energize a portable CD player, the vibrant field of energy that surrounds special people activates electronic equipment tuned to receive other realities. Without these people, it is doubtful that enough energy can be provided by the discarnate entity to achieve communication. George Meek fully accepted this and never patented Spiricom. His hope was that science would carry on his work and take it to the next level, going beyond what he and O'Neil were able and unable to accomplish. In 1982 Meek held a press conference in Washington, DC and revealed Spiricom's secrets. The conference made little impact on a largely skeptical world; in fact a large section of the media even refused to attend, so the device went largely unreported - except by the tabloids who naturally poked fun at the sensational story. Since that time, the focus of attention in terms of results has switched to Europe.
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  56. Nine months after Meek went public, on January 15, 1982, an electronics engineer named Hans-Otto Koenig, helped the now defunct Radio Luxembourg do a live broadcast on what was claimed to be a two-way conversation with a dead person. Koenig had invented an ultrasound device after closely following Meek's work which, he claimed, could replicate the Spiricom and Mueller/O'Neil dialogues. The equipment was set up under the watchful eye of the Radio Luxembourg engineers. The device, nicknamed Koenig's Generator by Rainer Holbe, the programs host, was connected to a set of speakers and switched on. An engineer asked over the air if any spirits cared to speak. Within seconds, a clear voice was heard. It said quite simply: "Otto Koenig makes wireless with the dead." Understandably pandemonium broke out in the studio. Another question was asked and seconds later a voice replied: "We hear your voice." Rainer Holbe affirmed live on air there had been no trickery and later the station issued a statement stating that its engineers had found no natural explanation for what had happened. Soon after, the device was demonstrated to members of the German EVP Association in Frankfurt where Konstantin Raudive, who had died in 1974, confirmed his presence. On the strength of this, one of Koenig's associates Dr Ernst Senkowski, a physics lecturer, electronics expert and veteran EVP researcher, persuaded George Meek to fly to Germany. After a demonstration of the Koenig's Generator, Meek flew back convinced it was genuine and set about raising money to fund future work. Further research has been carried on by others in the field of electronics and radio who also have an interest in contacts with spirits. Experiments held at a mansion in Newport Rhode Island have yielded some interesting results involving paranormal activity and the use of Shortwave Radio as a possible means of communication with other realities. A research team led by Steve Cerilli has determined that tube based short-wave radios can provide a communication link with other planes of existence and their inhabitants. Recordings made on October 3,1999 demonstrate that spirit entities can manipulate shortwave radios. Curiously, the spirits present on that night learned how to better interact with the shortwave as the session progressed. By the end of the experiment, the entire
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  59. room was awash with a form of static/electromagnetic energy. The tapes of this experiment are still undeveloped at this time. Development of a paranormal recording involves re-dubbing the tape i.e. making multiple generations for reasons unknown. Research will be hopefully completed by the end of the decade. A series of questions scripted by the research team were read by the owner of the location, which is known for its paranormal activity. The spirits were addressed and asked to participate in the experiment. The method of recording and equipment being used was then described. The questions asked were Socratic in nature, which means that they lead the listener to a revelation, each question building upon the former. As a result of these experiments, all paranormal activity in the castle has stopped. It was the intention of the researchers to help these entities by achieving contact. The researchers felt that the spirits were somehow trapped or lost in between dimensions. One possible scenario for disturbed spirit presences and haunting's is that due to a tragic event in an individuals lifetime, the desire to remain on this plane of time creates a state of suspension. Spirits in this suspended state become prisoners of their own inability to let go. It is believe that by establishing a communication link with the shortwave and asking relevant questions (Socratic method), lost spirits can be freed from their suspended state and made aware that there is nothing outside their own consciousness holding them back. One of the participants, Jennipher Roos, described her experience that night. "After spending the time it took to set up the equipment in the ballroom - about an hour, I walked outside to clear my thoughts and energy centers. "Upon returning to the room, I could immediately feel changing vibrations with myself. I walked around the perimeter of the room in attempt to familiarize myself with my surroundings. I noticed a particularly strong feeling - highly sensational - in the corner of the room leading into the master bedroom. "The only color of light I noticed before the experiments began, was a slight brightness in that corner of no particular color. The light surrounding the people participating in the study was nothing worth noting nothing out of the ordinary. "During the first session, recording only, I was not aware of any overwhelming presence or energy disturbances. I was sitting on the floor - to the left of the
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  62. Mayan sculpture. I felt centered and secure at all times; and although the room was highly charged, I cannot report any great shifts in the overall energy of the space and no specific concentrations of electromagnetism. The only notable change I observed was that the light in the corner of the room by the master bedroom had increased in intensity and now had a slightly bluish tinge. "The next session, which involved the short wave radio was quite an experience for me personally. I had moved to the corner of the room which I previously described as highly active. "Once I was centered on the floor and the questions began I could immediately sense a presence of some kind. A slight vibration moved from the floor, through my bottom and thighs, up my spine and into my head. This sensation was exceptionally strong and caused all of my hairs to stand on end. "I placed my hands palm down on the floor in front of me and received the same sensation through my hands and arms, which heightened incredibly the overall effect. I could see luminous light all around me and when I moved my hand in front of me, the light attached itself to me and left a streak of light, like a tracer, in its path of movement. "The short-wave radio was definitely receiving some sort of transmission amongst the white noise, but it was very faint deviations to me. However, about half-way through this session I began to hear other noises in the room. "The best way I can describe them is like a low tone of church bells played very slowly...almost like a drone, but in a pattern that was repeatedly louder at the beginning of each "chime." This sound was moving throughout the room in a circular fashion, like in stereo surround. "As I focused all of my concentration and energy on the light and this sound, the short wave seemed to become more effected and I could definitely feel an increase of electromagnetic energy as the session progressed. At one point I was fairly overwhelmed with the feeling of it body hair was on end for the entire session. "I never observed any other colors at this time, nor did I feel that any of the participants, including myself were in any sort of danger. This part of the experiment was definitely the most powerful for me. "I moved to the floor between the two aforementioned chairs and it was at this time that I started to notice huge changes in the short wave's regularity as the speaker asked direct questions to specific pieces.
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  65. "The shortwave's inflections were very quick after each question was asked, which indicates that perhaps the life forms are a bit more responsive when singled out individually. "When the speaker addressed the Mayan statue, I observed it radiating a light that is best described as a dull-reddish magenta color. The light fully surrounded the Mayan and streamed off a bit in the direction of the microphone, but did not get close to it. this light remained until the session was over."
  66. Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC)
  67. In 1985 Swiss electronics expert, Klaus Schreiber who, as a result of studying George Meek's Spiricom designs, invented an apparatus he called "Vidicom." The Vidicom consisted of a specially adapted TV, switched on but not attached to an aerial, with a video camera in front of it to capture images that appeared on the screen. One of the first pictures he received was a blurred, fleeting image of a human figure. Occasionally just voices would come across, telling him how to tune his TV for better reception. A typical session would begin with a TV screen full of dots. Then small ovals would appear one after another, each growing quickly until they disappeared off the screen. Within minutes faces would start to appear along with voices, to the astonishment of Schreiber himself and his visitors. It wasn't long after Shreiber death in 1988 that his image started appearing on the TV screens of Europe's ITC researchers. Schreiber's friend Martin Wenzel continued his work with some success, but as with Spiricom the Schreiber method, to work effectively, needed to be used by someone with the sensitivity of a psychic and strong mediumistic links with other planes of existence. In April 1990 George Meek's wife Jeanette died after a long illness. Before she crossed over, however, Meek had asked her to get firmly in mind the names TimeStream (a spiritside sending station linked to a young, leading-edge research laboratory in Luxembourg) and Swejen Salter (the system's operator and research director on the spirit side), Hopefully these memories would act as a homing device once she crossed over, pulling Jeannette to the research station. It apparently worked; three months after Jeannette's funeral she reportedly had located the TimeStream station and sent the following letter to George via the
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  70. Luxembourg computer: "DEAR G.W. - WELL, IT SEEMS THERE ARE STILL PEOPLE WHO DO NOT BELIEVE IN THE CONTACTS YOUR FRIENDS HERE IN LUXEMBOURG ARE HAVING. HENCE I WILL GIVE YOU SOME PERSONAL DETAILS KNOWN ONLY TO YOU AND MOLLY. "FIRST STORY. IN 1987, END OF APRIL, OUR TENANT DEBBIE CALLED TO SAY HER REFRIGERATOR WAS OFF. IT MUST HAVE BEEN ON A THURSDAY MORNING... "SECOND STORY. ON APRIL 29, 1987, ANN VALENTIN WROTE A LETTER FORM CALIFORNIA SAYING SHE HAD NOT RECEIVED THE MAGIC OF LIVING FOREVER BOOKLETS SHE HAD ORDERED, BUT INSTEAD HAD RECEIVED A BOX OF HARLEQUIN NOVELS. "THIRD STORY. JOHN LATHROP SHUTOFF THE ELECTRICITY AT OUR RENTAL HOUSE TO PUT IN THE NEW YARD LIGHT, HE WASN'T DOWN THERE VERY LONG BUT CHARGED $20 SERVICE IN ADDITION TO $40 FOR THE BULBS, PLUS TAX. THE CHARGE SEEMED HIGH. "DON'T TRY TO EXPLAIN THIS, HONEY, MY NEVER-ENDING LOVE TO YOU. I MISS YOU SO MUCH, BUT I KNOW WE WILL BE TOGETHER. LOVE FOREVER, JEANNETTE DUNCAN MEEK." To support the validity of the ITC contact, Jeannette had selected three very private items known only to the Meeks and their secretary Molly Philo. The second item about romance novels, in fact, was a complete puzzle even to George. Upon receiving Jeannette's letter from the Luxembourg team and getting his excitement under control, Meek called Ann Valentinin California to verify item two. Sure enough, a carton of novels had arrived mysteriously in 1987, and to this day no one knows who sent them. The most exciting and potentially fruitful development is that of communication via computer. Ken Webster of England published a book in which he reported on more than 200 computer contacts with local persons who had died more than three centuries ago. One of Webster's main contacts was 16th century Englishman Thomas Harden, who had lived in the same house that Webster now resided in, when the town was still named Bristol. From the astral planes, Harden could see Webster's electronic equipment in the living room.
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  73. He referred to the computer as a box with a multitude of lights sitting near my chimney. Harden would communicate in old English grammar in a variety of ways - telepathic messages, scribbles on note paper, chalk-written messages on the floor and, most important, computer files written on the display screen and generated on hard disk. Harden later was reported to have explained to his earth-side colleague Webster that the writing was formed according to his will or his visualization in the "Lightbox." Another interesting feature was that Harden said that he wasn't a discarnate entity, communicating from the beyond. Instead he claimed to be speaking from his own time in the 17 th century. So rather then talking with the dead, this seems to be a case of time travel. During the 1980's psychic researchers became aware of claims that various people had received telephone calls from loved ones after they had died. The calls were usually only of short duration and when investigated did not register on normal telephone monitoring equipment. This subject was extensively covered by D. Scott Rogo in his book Telephone Calls From The Dead. (1979). A husband and wife couple working in Luxembourg between 1985 and 1988 along with helpers from the afterlife, developed two electronic systems which became significantly more reliable and repeatable than the systems developed earlier. Jules and Maggie Harsch-Fishbach in 1987 established computer contact which allows submission of technical questions with high speed print-out of the carefully considered replies. Also in 1987 they got TV picture sequences of good quality (Psychic News February 25th 1995). By 1993 the research team in the afterlife was able to access the hard drives of computers and leave detailed, computer-scanned images as well as several pages of text. The computer-scanned images were far more detailed and less subject to distortion than the video images. Researchers on earth were able to direct questions to their counterparts on the other side and receive answers by telephone, radio, TV, computer, or fax (Kubris and Macy 1995: 14). Dominic RMacquarie stated in the November 15, 1997 issue of Psychic News that communication between the earth plane and the afterlife is more successful when there is a mediumistic person, who has more than average ectoplasm present. This had earlier been confirmed by Konstantine, Raudive, German Professor E Senkowski and George Meek.
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  76. The need to have some form of electromagnetic energy present has always been recognized as an essential component of EVP. Macquarie claims that experimenters since 1963 have obtained better results if they turn on three twelve volt transformers (the kind which change household voltage to lower voltage for portable radios, CD players etc.) within 3 to 4 inches (8-12cms) of each other. They produce a very quiet hum which provides a weak gentle field of electromagnetic energy which can be used by discarnate entities. "One has always to keep in mind that whilst ectoplasm and electromagnetic energy must be present when communicating with the afterlife, an experimenter who is negative and uses the presumption of futility will be exuding negative energy and will dramatically reduce successful communication," says Macquarie. "This 'experimenter effect' has been found in mediumship, laboratory testing and when using electronic equipment. "So even though communication can occur through television, radio equipment and the telephone, the clarity of transmission depends on the contact field, the thoughts of those receiving the transmission. It has been discovered at large open meetings, that if a group of people had negative thoughts about ITC, their negative vibrations seriously affected the vibrations coming from the astral plane." Even though Nikola Tesla in his early years had little patience with those who believed in spirits and unknown psychic abilities, he may have had a change of heart later in his life and after leaving the physical plane. In 1998, a medium by the name of Alice Cromley alleged that she had made contact with the spirit of Tesla through electronic methods similar to what Tesla used. In a series of communications, all conducted at a secure home in Montreal, Canada, Mrs. Cromley received information concerning Tesla's continued existence after his death and the new discoveries that awaited him on the other side. Tesla was apparently eager to tell those interested in his life and science, not to dismiss ideas that appear supernatural or not of science. "Physics, extends beyond what is scientifically known today," Tesla communicated. "The future will show that what we now call occult or the supernatural is based on a science not yet developed, but whose first infant steps are being taken as we speak!"
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  79. ABOVE: Tesla was probably the first to experience EVP. BELOW: Bill O'Neil at the Spiricom device.
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  82. Chapter Six
  83. UFOs and Electrogravity Propulsion Did Tesla Discover the Secrets of Antigravity?
  84. Nikola Tesla has been credited for the creation of much of the technology that we take for granted today. Without the genius of Tesla we would not have radio, television, AC electricity, Tesla coil, flourescent lighting, neon lighting, radio control devices, robotics, x-rays, radar, microwaves and dozens of other amazing inventions. Because of this, it is no surprise that Tesla also delved into the world of flight and possibly, antigravity. In fact, his last patent in 1928 (#6,555,114), was for a flying machine that resembled both a helicopter and an airplane. Before he died, Tesla reportedly devised plans for the engine of a spaceship. He called it the anti-electromagnetic field drive or Space Drive. William R. Lyne writes in Occult Ether Physics (Creatopia Productions), that a lecture Tesla prepared for the Institute of Immigrant Welfare (May. 12, 1938), dealt with his Dynamic Theory of Gravity. Tesla said in his lecture that this was: "One of two far reaching discoveries, which I worked out in all details in the years 1893 and 1894." While researching Tesla's statements, Lyne discovered that more complete statements concerning these discoveries could only be gleaned from scattered and sparse sources, because Tesla's papers are concealed in government vaults for national security reasons. When Lyne specifically asked for these papers at the National Security Research Center (now the Robert J. Oppenheimer Research Center) in 1979, he was denied access because they were still classified. In his 1938 lecture, Tesla said he was progressing with the work, and hoped to give the theory to the world very soon. The two great discoveries to which Tesla referred, were: 1. The Dynamic Theory of Gravity - which assumed a field of force which accounts for the motions of bodies in space; assumption of this field of force dispenses with the concept of space curvature (ala Einstein); the ether has an indispensable function in the phenomena (of universal gravity, inertia, momentum, and movement of heavenly bodies, as well as all atomic and molecular matter).
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  87. 2. Environmental Energy - the Discovery of a new physical Truth: there is no energy in matter other than that received from the environment. (Which goes against Einstein's E=mc2). The usual Tesla birthday announcement - on his 79th birthday (1935) - Tesla made a brief reference to the theory saying it applies to molecules and atoms as well as to the largest heavenly bodies, and to "... all matter in the universe in any phase of its existence from its very formation to its ultimate disintegration." In an article, Man's Greatest Achievement, Tesla outlined his Dynamic Theory of Gravity by saying that the luminiferous ether fills all space. The ether is acted upon by the life-giving creative force and is thrown into "infinitesimal whirls" ("micro helices") at near the speed of light, becoming ponderable matter. When the force subsides and motion ceases, matter reverts to the ether (a form of "atomic decay"). Man can harness these processes to: Precipitate matter from the ether. Create whatever he wants with the matter and energy derived. Alter the earth's size. Control earth's seasons (weather control). Guide earth's path through the Universe, like a spaceship. Cause the collisions of planets to produce new suns and stars, heat, and light. Originate and develop life in infinite forms. When Tesla was 82, instead of speaking at a dinner party, he issued a written statement. Although this was soon after he had been struck by a car, his mind was obviously still capable of mounting an attack on Einstein's theory of relativity: "I have worked out a dynamic theory of gravity in all details and hope to give this to the world very soon. It explains the causes of this force and the motions of heavenly bodies under its influence so satisfactorily that it will put an end to idle speculations and false conceptions, as that of curved space. According to the relativists, space has a tendency to curvature owing to an inherent property or presence of celestial bodies. "Granting a semblance of reality to this fantastic idea, it is still very self-contradictory. Every action is accompanied by an equivalent reaction and the effects of the latter are directly opposite to those of the former. Supposing that the bodies act upon the surrounding space causing curvature of the same, it appears to my simple mind that the curved spaces must react on the bodies and, producing the opposite effects, straighten out the curves. "Since action and reaction are coexistent, it follows that the supposed curvature of space is entirely impossible - However, even if it existed it would not
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  90. explain the motions of the bodies as observed. Only the existence of a field of force can account for them and its assumption dispenses with space curvature. All literature on this subject is futile and destined to oblivion." It is a great pity that Tesla never published his dynamic theory of gravity. Modern thinking about gravity suggests that when a heavy object moves it emits gravitational waves that radiate at the speed of light. These gravity waves behave in similar ways to many other types of waves. Tesla's greatest inventions were all based on the study of waves. He always considered sound, light, heat, X-rays and radio waves to be related phenomena that could be studied using the same sort of maths. His differences with Einstein suggest that he had extended this thinking to gravity. In the 1980s he was proved to be right. A study of energy loss in a double neutron star pulsar called PSR 1913 + 16 proved that gravity waves exist. Tesla's idea that gravity is a field effect is now taken more seriously than Einstein took it. Unfortunately, Tesla never revealed what had led him to this conclusion. He never explained his theory of gravitation to the world. The attack he made on Einstein's work was considered outrageous by the scientific establishment of the time, and only now do we have enough understanding of gravity to realize that he was right.
  91. How to Build a Flying Saucer
  92. Tesla had discovered that the electrostatic emission from the surface of a conductor will always concentrate where the surface curves or even presents an edge. The sharper the curve or edge, the greater the concentration of electron emission. Tesla also observed that an electrostatic charge will flow over the surface of a conductor rather than penetrate it. This is called the Faraday or Skin Effect, discovered by Michael Faraday many years ago. This also explains the principles of the Faraday Cage which is used in high voltage research labs to protect humans and electrosensitive equipment from harm. According to eyewitness reports of interiors of UFOs, there is a circular column or channel through the center of the vehicle. This reportedly serves as a superstructure for the rest of the saucer shaped vehicle, and also carries a high voltage, high frequency coil. It is believed to be a
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  95. resonant transformer which gives the electrostatic and electromagnetic charge to the craft and establishes polarity. This coil is relative to what is known as a Tesla coil. The Tesla Coil of course, was invented by Tesla in 1891. This column or channel is approximately two feet in diameter and is hollow. On some vehicles this hollow area has a turbine generator in it. When the vacuum is created on one hemisphere of the craft, the atmospheric pressure is allowed to rush through the tube to drive a sort of turbine electrical generator. Some reports say the extraterrestrials use this system as stationary power plants for electrical energy on their planets as well. The eyes of the craft are arranged by electro-optic lenses placed at quadrants or wherever they wish to see from. The screen-like monitors are placed on a console where the navigator can observe all areas around and about the vehicle at the same time. This includes the magnification lenses which are used without changing positions. There are also windows about elbow level and about one foot through or thick. This distance would have to be in view of the four or more walls or plates of the capacitor hulls making up the major portion of the craft. The windows have an iris type of shutter so that when it is closed, it allows electrostatic charge to flow evenly.
  96. Dr T. Townsend Brown and Electrogravitics
  97. The idea of using high voltage electricity as a means of propulsion is not new. Tesla laid the groundwork in the late 19th century which was then continued by such notables as Thomas Townsend Brown, who discovered in 1923 what was later called the Biefeld -Brown Effect. Thomas Townsend Brown, was a physics student of Dr. Paul Alfred Biefeld at the California Institute for Advanced Studies. Brown noticed that when he had two plates carrying high voltages of direct current separated by a dielectric, the negative electrode moved by itself in the direction of the positive plate. In other words, Townsend Brown discovered that it is possible to create an artificial gravity field by charging an electrical capacitor to a high-voltage. He built a special capacitor which utilized a heavy, high charge-accumulating (high K-factor) dielectric material between its plates and found that when charges
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  100. with between 70,000 to 300,000 volts, it would move in the direction of its positive pole. When oriented with its positive side up, it would proceed to lose about one percent of it's weight. He attributed this motion to an electrostatically-induced gravity field acting between the capacitor's oppositely charged plates. By 1958, he had succeeded in developing a 15 inch diameter model saucer that could lift over 110% of its weight. Brown's experiments had launched a new field of investigation which came to be known as Electrogravitics, the technology of controlling gravity through the use of high-voltage electric charge. As early as 1952, an Air Force major general witnessed a demonstration in which Brown flew a pair of 18 inch disc airfoils suspended from opposite ends of a rotatable arm. When electrified with 50,000 volts, they circuited at a speed of 12 miles per hour. About a year later, he flew a set of 3 foot diameter saucers for some Air Force officials and representatives from a number of major aircraft companies. When energized with 150,000 volts, the discs sped around the 50 foot diameter course so fast that the subject was immediately classified. Interavia magazine later reported that the discs could attain speeds of several hundred miles per hour when charged with several hundred thousand volts. Brown's discs were charged with a high positive voltage, on a wire, running along their leading edge and a high negative voltage, on a wire, running along their trailing edge. As the wires ionized the air around them, a dense cloud of positive ions would form ahead of the craft and corresponding cloud of negative ions would form behind the craft. Brown's research indicated that, like the charged plates of his capacitors, these ion clouds induced a gravitational force directed in the minus to plus direction. As the disc moved forward in the response to its self generated gravity field, it would carry with it its positive and negative ion clouds and their associated electrogravity gradient. Consequently, the discs would ride their advancing gravity wave much like surfers ride an ocean wave. Dr. Mason Rose, one of Townsend's colleagues, described the discs principle of operation as follows: "The saucers made by Brown have no propellers, no jets, no moving parts at all. They create a modification of the gravitational field around themselves, which is
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  103. Patent #3,322,374 5-30-67
  105. ABOVE: J. Frank King, a colleague of T. Townsend Brown, patented a magnetohydrodynamic propulsion device. Note the similarities in design to the Adamski flying saucer.
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  108. analogous to putting them on the incline of a hill. They act like a surfboard on a wave. . . the electrogravitational saucer creates its own hill, which is a local distortion of the gravitational field, then it takes this hill with it in any chosen direction and at any rate. "The occupants of one of [Brown's] saucers would feel no stress at all no matter how sharp the turn or how great the acceleration. This is because the ship and its occupants and the load are all responding equally to the wave-like distortion of the local gravitation field." Although skeptics at first thought that the discs were propelled by more mundane effects such as the pressure of negative ions striking the positive electrode. Brown later carried out vacuum chamber tests which proved that a force was present even in the absence of such ion thrust. He did not offer a theory to explain this unconventional electrogravitic phenomenon; except to say that it was predicted neither by general relativity nor by modern theories of electromagnetism. However, recent advances in theoretical physics provide a rather straightforward explanation of the principle. According to the novel physics of subquantum kinetics, gravity potential can adopt two polarities, instead of one. Not only can a gravity field exist in the form of a matter-attracting gravity potential well, as standard physics teaches, but it can also exist in the form of a matter repelling gravity potential hill. Moreover, it predicts that these gravity polarities should be directly matched with electrical polarity; positively charged particles such as protons generating gravity wells and negatively charged particles such as electrons generating gravity hills. Thus contrary to conventional theory, the electron produces a matter-repelling gravity field. Electrical neutral matter remains gravitationally attractive because of the proton's G-well marginally dominates the electron's G-hill. Consequently, subquantum kinetics predicts that the negative ion cloud behind Brown's disc should form a matter repelling gravity hill while the positive ion cloud ahead of the disc should form a matter attracting gravity well. As increasing voltage is applied to the disc, the gravity potential hill and well become increasing prominent and the gravity potential gradient between them increasing steep. In Rose's terminology, the craft would find itself on the incline of a gravitational hill. Since gravity force is known to increase in accordance with the steepness of such a gravity potential slope, increased voltage would induce
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  111. an increasingly strong gravity force on the disc and would act in the direction of the positive ion cloud. The disc would behave as if it was being tugged by a very strong gravitational field emanating from an invisible planet sized mass positioned beyond its positive pole. Early in 1952 Brown had put together a proposal, code named Project Winterhaven, which suggested that the military developed an antigravity combat saucer with Mach-3 capability. The 1956 intelligence study entitled Electrogravitics Systems: An Explanation of Electrostatic Motion, Dynamic Counterbary and Barycentric Control, prepared by the private aviation intelligence firm, Aviation Studies International Ltd., indicates that as early as November 1954 the Air Force had begun plans to fund research that would accomplish Project Winterhaven's objectives. The study, originally classified Confidential, mentions the name of more than ten major aircraft companies which were actively involved in the electrogravitics research in an attempt to duplicate or extend Brown's seminal work. Additional information is to be found in another aviation intelligence report entitled: The Gravitics Situation. Unfortunately, due to the militaries TOP SECRET classification, Townsend Brown's work has not appeared in any physics or science publications that can be accessed.
  112. Article Reveals Government Research
  113. Because of the influence of such pioneers as Tesla and T. Townsend Brown, the research and development of antigravity devices has been ongoing for a number of years. The June 1957 issue of Mechanic's Illustrated featured an article by G. Harry Stine entitled: Conquest of Space. Stine, the Chief of Navy Range Operations at White Sands Proving Grounds, makes it perfectly clear that the military was extremely interested in antigravity research.
  114. There is a good chance that the rocket will be obsolete for space travel within 50 years. Some of us have been concentrating on the development of the rocket as the possible power plant for outer space propulsion. We've fired a lot of rockets and we've proved that they will work well in outer space. We've also learned a lot about
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  117. what's out there by using rockets. And probably we will take the first few faltering steps into space with rocket power plants. But recent discoveries indicate that the spaceship of the future may be powered by anti-gravity devices. These, instead of using brute force to overcome gravity, will use the force of gravity itself much as an airplane uses the air to make it fly. Sir William Crookes, the English scientist who developed the cathode-ray tube we now use for television, made extensive investigations of levitation phenomena - a field that once belonged to vaudeville magicians. Scientists, reasoning that if they believed his reports of weird green glows in vacuum tubes they should also look into Crookes' levitation studies, have been making slow but steady progress. Others have been investigating the fields of gravitic isotopes, jet electron streams, and the mechanics of the electron shells of atoms. Townsend T. Brown, an American investigator, has gone even further than that. There are rumors that Brown has developed a real antigravity machine. There are many firms working on the problems of antigravity - the Glenn L.Martin Co., Bell Aircraft, General Electric, Sperry-Rand Corp. and others. Rumors have been circulating that scientists have built disc airfoils two feet in diameter incorporating a variation of the simple two-plate electrical condenser (capacitor), which charged to a potential of 50,000 volts, has achieved a speed of seventeen feet per second with a total energy input of fifty watts. A three-foot diameter disc airfoil charged to 150 Kilovolts turned out such an amazing performance that the whole thing was immediately classified. Flame-jet generators, making use of the electrostatic charge discovered in rocket exhausts, have been developed which will supply charges up to 15 million volts. Several important things have been discovered with regard to gravity propulsion. For one, the propulsive force doesn't act on only one part of the ship it is pushing; it acts on all parts within the gravity field created by the gravitic drive. It probably is not limited to the speed of light.
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  120. Gravity-powered vehicles have apparently changed direction, accelerated rapidly at very high g's and stopped abruptly without any heavy stresses being experienced by the measuring devices aboard the vehicle and within the gravity-propulsion field. This control is done by changing the direction, intensity and polarity of the charge on the condenser plates of the drive unit, a fairly simple task for scientists. Sounds incredible, doesn't it? But the information comes from reliable sources. We are licking the problems of gravity. Indications are that we are on the verge of tapping a brand new group of electrical waves which link electricity and gravity. Electronic engineers have taken the electrical coil and used it as a link between electricity and electro-magnetism, thus giving us a science of electromagnetic's which in turn has given us such things as radio, television, radar and the like. Now, gravity researchers seem to think that the condenser will open up the science of electrogravitics. Soon we may be able to eliminate gravity as a structural, dynamic and medical problem. Although we will probably use rocket power to make our first explorations into space, the chances are now pretty good that this will not always be the case. In 50 years we may travel to the moon, the planets or even the stars propelled by the harnessed forces of gravity. If this seems fantastic, remember that the rocket and the idea of a trip to the moon was fantastic twenty years ago. Fifty years ago the idea of commercial air travel was utter nonsense. With gravitic spaceships, we may travel to the moon in less than an hour, to the planets in less than a day or to the stars themselves in a matter of months. We may be able to do it in absolute comfort without the problems of zero-gravity or high accelerations. The idea of the rocket becoming obsolete is not a happy idea, particularly when so much work has been done on rockets. If a better method comes along, why shed tears? After all, our basic goal is to travel and explore in space and it doesn't make much difference how we do it.
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  123. Is Antigravity Already in Use?
  124. Recently an article appeared in Jane's Aviation Weekly that stated the B-2 Stealth Nuclear-Strike Bomber is in fact, currently using an electrogravitic propulsion system. Paul A. LaViolette has done considerable study on the use of electrogravitic technology by the U.S. Air Force, which has conducted secret Black Project research on the matter since late 1954. LaViolette contends that electrogravitics may have been put to practical use in the B-2 Advanced Technology Bomber to provide an exotic auxiliary mode of propulsion. This conclusion is based on the recent disclosure that the B-2 charges both its wing leading edge and jet exhaust stream to a high voltage. Positive ions emitted from its wing leading edge would produce a positively charged parabolic ion sheath ahead of the craft while negative ions injected into it's exhaust stream would set up a trailing negative space charge with a potential difference in excess of 15 million volts. According to electrogravitic research carried out by Tesla and T. Townsend Brown, such a differential space charge would set up an artificial gravity field that would induce a reactionless force on the aircraft in the direction of the positive pole. An electrogravitic drive of this sort could allow the B-2 to function with over-unity propulsion efficiency when cruising at supersonic velocities. On March 9, 1992, Aviation Week And Space Technology magazine made a surprising disclosure that the B-2 electrostatically charges its exhaust stream and the leading edges of its wing-like body. Those familiar with the research of Tesla in the early 20th century will quickly realize that this is tantamount to stating that the B-2 is able to function as an antigravity aircraft. Aviation Week obtained their information about the B-2 from a small group of renegade west coast scientists and engineers who were formerly associated with black research projects. In making these disclosures, these scientists broke a code of silence that rivals the Mafia's. They took the risk because they felt that it was important for economic reasons that efforts be made to declassify certain black technologies for commercial use. Two of these individuals said that their civil rights had been blatantly abused (in the name of security) either to keep them quiet or to prevent them from leaving the tightly controlled black research and development community. Although the
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  127. scientists mentioned nothing about electrogravitics in their Aviation Week disclosure about the B-2, they did admit to the existence of very dramatic, classified technologies applicable to aircraft control and propulsion. They were especially hesitant to discuss these projects, noting that they are very secret. One of them commented: "Besides, it would take about 20 hours to explain the principles, and very few people would understand them anyway." Apparently what he meant is that this aircraft control and propulsion technology is based on principles that go beyond what is currently known and understood by most academic physicists. That is with the exception of two geniuses who developed the original ideas for high voltage electric drives decades ago. It must be also considered that the B-2 is now no longer the only aircraft to use such technologies. Since that time an entire generation of black budget secret aircraft may have been developed with electrogravitic systems.
  128. Art Bells Mysterious Metal - The Key to Antigravity
  129. The suggestion that UFOs could be manmade flying machines using exotic technologies is not new to the study of unidentified flying objects. In the 1950's several researchers in Europe claimed that Tesla and Marconi had secretly built and tested operational antigravity aircraft. Using electrogravitic drives, these experimental aircraft were eventually based out of a secret location in South America. Allegedly, Nazi Germany got a hold of this technology and produced several antigravity flying saucers of their own. Fortunately, by the time Hitler decided to dedicate more time and funds to the Nazi flying saucer project, the war was almost over for the Germans. Of course by that time Tesla had passed away, but it is almost certain that he would have been horrified by the use of his invention by the Germans. Early evidence for these anecdotal tales was scant and consisted almost entirely of discovered research papers and a few photos of similarly shaped UFOs. As has been already noted in this book, early UFO contactees such as George Adamski and Howard Menger witnessed and even photographed UFOs that bore a striking resemblance to the small discs built by T. Townsend Brown.
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  132. Could these UFOs actually be manmade machines flown by humans? Or were extraterrestrials flying around in spacecraft utilizing similar technology as that discovered by Tesla and Brown? In 1996, late night radio host Art Bell received a package containing bits of metal that the sender claimed was taken from the crashed UFO found near Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. Could these unassuming pieces of metal be the evidence that proved the reality of UFOs and their use of electrogravitic technology? The pieces of metal seemed almost too good to be true and Bell was at first skeptical because of similar past hoaxes involving alleged parts from UFOs. Bell sent a few samples to Linda Moulton Howe, who promptly had the metal analyzed. Using Wave Dispersive Spectroscopy, It was discovered that the metal was made up of a magnesium zinc alloy with pure bismuth layers. There was a range from 97 to about 97 - 1/2 % magnesium and 3% to 2 - 1/2 % zinc in each of those 100 to 200micron layers of the magnesium zinc, so the metal was almost entirely magnesium with about 3% zinc. The pure bismuth layers were one to four microns thick in a slightly wavy pattern and nothing else but bismuth was found. No oxygen was found, no zirconium, no other elements -just these three. High energy experiments conducted on the unusual metal indicated a tendency for lateral movement. Unfortunately, this research has not resulted in any solid conclusions at this time. After this information was broadcast on Art's show, Howe received a fax from a listener named Dan who indicated he had professional knowledge that would relate the material to antigravity. He had worked from 1973 to 1980 for an organization called Aeronautical Systems Division at Edwards Air Force Base in California with some assignments at Wright Patterson in Ohio. Dan received bachelors degrees in physics, aerospace engineering and computer science from California Polytechnic State University, a masters degrees in computer science and aerospace engineering from the University of California at Berkley and then received his Ph.D. in physics in 1974 after he had already begun work as a civilian scientist for the Air Force. Dan told Howe that he had been involved in aeronautical engineering and evaluations when he first saw metal similar to what was sent to Art bell. The metal supposedly was used in a electrogravitic capacity. In the case of bismuth, its basically a diamagnetic material which means it tends to repel a magnetic field.
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  135. "There were very strange things that were bound with bismuth as basically positive charges were added to it, you know, putting a field, a positive electron field into the bismuth," Dan said to Howe. "As a matter of fact they were very dramatic, some of the things that they found. A lot of this goes all the way back to 1917 with Nikola Tesla and his discoveries of electrical fields and gravity." Howe wanted to know what was the most dramatic thing that would happen as the positive flow was increased into bismuth. Dan's answer was that basically there would be a mass reduction to the point where it could come to zero and actually rise into the air, creating a lifting body. A now defunct UFO group in England claimed that one of their members had conducted experiments with dissimilar metals in the 1970's. He used two disks of the same dimension and thickness but of two different materials, copper and zinc. The disks were kept very close together and rotated in opposite directions. The claim was they levitated when spun, though the comment did not specify the requirement for high voltage as in the case of the Biefeld/Brown effect. It was simply rotation of mass which is more consistent with Otis T. Carr, Bruce DePalma and Dr. Harold Aspden, with their claims of anomalous inertial or gravitic effects associated with rotating mass. An interesting story was told at the recent Low Level Energy Conference by Michael Roberts, President of the Association for Push Gravity Research. One day a few years ago, he got a phone call at his home in Waco. It was from a fellow who had stopped in Waco and wanted to meet Michael at a local mall. Michael drove out to the mall and the man was parked, in his late model Jeep in a remote section of the parking lot. They shook hands and talked a bit. The man said he would like to show Michael what he had been working on. The Jeep engine was off, the vehicle was put in neutral and was not braked in anyway. Michael was asked to push the vehicle. He did so with both hands, meeting an expected amount of resistance before he got it moving. The man got in and braked the vehicle. He then showed Michael four mystery boxes (each about 12" x 6" x 4"), mounted in the top of each wheel well of the Jeep. Each box had an electrical cable that led under the hood. Michael was not allowed to see under the hood. Immediately after the push test, the man got in the Jeep and flicked a toggle switch which had been installed under the dashboard. Michael was then asked to push the Jeep again, this time it moved with the light touch of one hand. The man
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  138. would say nothing about how this miracle was accomplished, he just wanted to show Michael that it was possible to achieve an antigravity effect using electricity. One possible explanation may be that the four boxes acted to provide a stabilized buoyancy type field, like pontoons on a boat. The use of only one would deflect the incoming gravity in one localized area, thus creating an imbalance. Whereas one unit over each wheel would equally distribute the deflection around the center of mass of the Jeep. The book Occult Ether Physics: Testa's Hidden Space Propulsion System And The Conspiracy To Conceal It, concentrates on the 19th century Aether science leading up to Tesla's discovery of electro-propulsion. Tesla's holy grail was to build his electric flying machine, and to draw some of the environmental energy out of the cosmos. This plan involved a theory of radioactivity under development by Tesla in the 1890s, which entirely presaged and conflicted with currently accepted Relativism, quantum mechanics, and nuclear energy theories. To Tesla, so-called atomic energy was in fact the result of environmental energy emanating from the cosmos, and made known to us via radioactive matter. This matter, Tesla said, had the peculiar property of resonating and reacting with ubiquitous cosmic radiation. The cosmic radiation of which Tesla spoke was of much higher frequency than what we call radioactive emanations. Tesla believed that these were the result of a step-down process, in which certain peculiar matter reacts to and converts ubiquitous, omnidirectional cosmic radiation. Today, we call this zero point radiation (ZPR), from higher frequencies, to lower, more useful and appropriate frequencies, such as gamma, x-ray, ultraviolet, visible, infrared radiation, as well as magnetism and even electrical current. These step-down frequencies are much easier to detect and measure than the ZPR. The existence of the ZPR was well known to Tesla in the 1890s, but it was not until recently that it became scientifically accepted as a proven fact. This radiation is of such high frequency that it normally passes through space, the earth, and our bodies without harm or incident, in constant equilibrium, because its short wavelengths do not normally react or resonate with the atoms of most matter. It is radioactive matter, according to Tesla, which has a peculiar atomic structure which reacts with this radiation to produce radioactivity. Atomic energy, to Tesla, comes from the ZPR, not atoms. If a lump of radium could be shielded from the effects of the ZPR, said Tesla, it would show no radioactivity.
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  141. Most naturally radioactive elements are dense and unstable, that is, they are said by the Relativists to decay as radiation is emitted, to elements of lower atomic numbers. The Relativists, with whom Tesla vehemently disagreed, believe that naturally radioactive elements spontaneously lose mass in the process of such decay, so that the energy released as radioactivity, is equivalent to the lost mass according to Einstein's equation, E=mc2. If non-radioactive elements are converted into radioactive elements by the forces of nature, what are these processes? In a New York Times article of July 11, 1937 (pg.13, col.2), in one of Tesla's famous birthday announcements, Tesla stated that he had developed a process for the manufacture of radium (transmutation from other elements), which was so efficient that it could be sold for $1.00 per pound. He also announced that he had absolutely developed a system for the interstellar transmission of energy. He said he had been working in several laboratories, but refused to disclose their locations. His working model, he said, "...employs more than three dozen of my inventions. It is a complex apparatus, an agglomeration of parts. It could convey several thousand units of horsepower to other planets, regardless of the distance. Traveling through a channel of less than one-half of one-millionth of a centimeter." Further, he said, "This is not an experiment. I have built, demonstrated and used it. Only a little time will pass before I can give it to the world." These facts demonstrate that even in his 80s, Tesla was involved in secret research at several undisclosed laboratories, on technology which even today remains highly classified. Technology that is only now being fully understood and secretly utilized.
  142. The Tesla Flying Saucer
  143. Bill Jones, writing for The UFO Enigma, the newsletter for the UFO Study Group of greater St. Louis, comments that Tesla did the basic research for constructing electromagnetic field lift-and-drive aircraft/spacecraft. From 1891 to 1893, he gave a set of lectures and demonstrations to groups of electrical engineers.
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  146. As part of each show, Tesla stood in the middle of the stage, using his 6' 6" height, with an assistant on either side, each seven feet away. All three men wore thick cork or rubber shoe soles to avoid being electrically grounded. Each assistant held a wire, part of a high voltage, low current circuit. When Tesla raised his arms to each side, violet colored electricity jumped harmlessly across the gaps between the men. At high voltage and frequency in this arrangement, electricity flows over a surface, even the skin, rather than into it. This is a basic circuit which could be used by aircraft/spacecraft. The hull is best made double, of thin, machinable, slightly flexible ceramic. This becomes a good electrical insulator, has no fire danger, resists any damaging effects of severe heat and cold, and has the hardness of armor, besides being easy for magnetic fields to pass through. The inner hull is covered on it's outside by wedge shaped thin metal sheets of copper or aluminum, bonded to the ceramic. Each sheet is three to four feet wide at the horizontal rim of the hull and tapers to a few inches wide at the top of the hull for the top set of metal sheets, or at the bottom for the bottom set of sheets. Each sheet is separated on either side from the next sheet by 1 or 2 inches of uncovered ceramic hull. The top set of sheets and bottom set of sheets are separated by about 6 inches of uncovered ceramic hull around the horizontal rim of the hull. The outer hull protects these sheets from being short-circuited by wind blown metal foil (Air Force radar confusing chaff), heavy rain or concentrations of gasoline or kerosene fumes. If unshielded, fuel fumes could be electrostatically attracted to the hull sheets, burn and form carbon deposits across the insulating gaps between the sheets, causing a short-circuit. The space, the outer hull with a slight negative charge, would absorb hits from micro-meteorites and cosmic rays (protons moving at near the speed of light). Any danger of this type that doesn't already have a negative electric charge would get a negative charge in hitting the outer hull, and be repelled by the metal sheets before it could hit the inner hull. The hull can be made in a variety of shapes; sphere, football, disc, or streamlined rectangle or triangle, as long as these metal sheets, "are of considerable area and arranged along ideal enveloping surfaces of very large radii of curvature," p. 85. My Inventions, by Nikola Tesla.
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  149. Tesla's concept of a electrogravitic aircraft originally conceived in 1919. "I am now planning aerial machines devoid of sustaining planes, ailerons, propellers and other external attachments, which will be capable of immense speeds."
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  152. The power plant for this machine can be a nuclear fission or fusion reactor for long range and long-term use to run a steam engine which turns the generators. A short range machine can use a hydrogen oxygen fuel cell to run a low-voltage motor to turn the generators, occasionally recharging by hovering next to high voltage power lines and using antennas mounted on the outer hull to take in the electricity. The short-range machine can also have electricity beamed to it from a generating plant on a long-range aircraft/spacecraft or on the ground. One standard for the generators is to have the same number of magnets as field coils. Tesla's preferred design was a thin disc holding 480 magnets with 480 field coils wired in series surrounding it in close tolerance. At 50 revolutions per minute, it produces 19,400 cycles per second. The electricity is fed into a number of large capacitors, one for each metal sheet. An automatic switch, adjustable in timing by the pilot, closes, and as the electricity jumps across the switch, back and forth, it raises it's own frequency a switch being used for each capacitor. The electricity goes into a Tesla transformer; again, one transformer for each capacitor. In an oil tank to insulate the windings and for cooling, and supported internally by wood, or plastic, pipe and fittings, each Tesla transformer looks like a short wider pipe that is moved along a longer, narrower pipe by an insulated non-electric cable handle. The short pipe, the primary, is six to ten windings (loops) of wire connected in series to the long pipe. The secondary is 460 to 600 windings, at the low voltage and frequency end. The insulated non-electric cable handle is used through a set of automatic controls to move the primary coil to various places on the secondary coil. This is the frequency control. The secondary coil has a low frequency and voltage end and a maximum voltage and frequency end. The greater the frequency the electricity, the more it pushes against the earth's electrostatic and electromagnetic fields. The electricity comes out of the transformer at the high voltage end and goes by wire through the ceramic hull to the wide end of the metal sheet. The electricity jumps out on and flows over the metal sheet, giving off a very strong electromagnetic field, controlled by the transformer. At the narrow end of the metal sheet, most of the high-voltage push having been given off, the electricity goes back by wire through the hull to a circuit breaker box (emergency shut off).
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  155. In bright sunlight, the aircraft/spacecraft may seem surrounded by hot air, a slight magnetic distortion of the light. In semi-darkness and night, the metal sheets glow, even through the thin ceramic outer hull, with different colors. The visible light is a by-product of the electricity flowing over the metal sheets, according to the frequencies used. Descending, landing or just starting to lift from the ground, the transformer primaries are near the secondary weak ends and therefore, the bottom set of sheets glow a misty red. Red may also appear at the front of the machine when it is moving forward fast, lessening resistance up front. Orange appears for slow speed. Orange-yellow are for airplane-type speeds. Green and blue are for higher speeds. With a capacitor addition, making it oversized for the circuit, the blue becomes bright white, like a searchlight, with possible risk of damaging the metal sheets involved. The highest visible frequency is violet, like Tesla's stage demonstrations, used for the highest speed along with the bright white. The colors are nearly coherent, of a single frequency, like a laser. A machine built with a set of super conducting magnets would simplify and reduce electricity needs from a vehicle's transformer circuits to the point of flying along efficiently and hovering with very little waste of electricity. When Tesla was developing arc lights to run on alternating current, there was a bothersome high-pitched whine, whistle, or buzz, due to the electrodes rapidly heating and cooling. Tesla put this noise in the ultrasonic range with the special transformer already mentioned. The aircraft/spacecraft gives off such noises when working at low frequencies. Timing is important in the operation of this machine. For every three metal sheets, when the middle one is briefly turned off, the sheet on either side is energized, giving off the magnetic field. The next instant, the middle sheet is energized, while the sheet on either side is briefly turned off. There is a time delay in the capacitors recharging themselves, so at any time, half of all the metal sheets are energized and the other half are recharging, alternating all around the inner hull. This balances the machine, giving it very good stability. This balance is less when fewer of the circuits are in use. At a fairly close range, the aircraft/spacecraft produces heating of persons and objects on the ground; but by hovering over an area at low altitude for maybe five or ten minutes, the machine also produces a column of very cold air down
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  158. to the ground. As air molecules get into the strong magnetic fields that the machine is transmitting out, the air molecules become polarized and from lines, or strings, of air molecules. The normal movement of the air is stopped, and there is suddenly a lot more room for air molecules in this area, so more air pours in. This expansion and the lack of normal air motion make the area intensely cold. This is also the reason that the aircraft/spacecraft can fly at supersonic speeds without making sonic booms. As air flows over the hull, top and bottom, the air molecules form lines as they go through the magnetic fields of the metal sheet circuits. As the air molecules are left behind, they keep their line arrangements for a short time, long enough to cancel out the sonic boom shock waves. Outside the earth's magnetic field, another propulsion system must be used, which relies on the first. You may have read of particle accelerators, or cyclotrons, or atom smashers. A particle accelerator is a circular loop of pipe that, in cross-section, is oval. In a physics laboratory, most of the air in it is pumped out. The pipe loop is given a static electric charge, a small amount of hydrogen or other gas is given the same electric charge so the particles won't stick to the pipe. A set of electromagnets all around the pipe loop turn on and off, one after the other, pushing with one magnetic pole and pulling with the next, until those gas particles are racing around the pipe loop at nearly the speed of light. Centrifugal force makes the particles speed closer to the outside edge of the pipe loop, still within the pipe. The particles break down into electrons, or light and other wavelengths, protons or cosmic rays, and neutrons if more than hydrogen is put in the accelerator. At least two particle accelerators are used to balance each other and counter each other's tendency to make the craft spin. Otherwise, the machine would tend to want to start spinning, following the direction of the force being applied to the particles. The accelerators push in opposite directions. The high speed particles go out through straight lengths of pipe, charged like the loops and in speeding out into space, push the machine along. Doors control which pipes the particles leave from. This allows very long range acceleration and later deceleration at normal (earth) gravity. This avoids the severe problems of weightlessness, including lowered physical abilities of the crew. It is possible to use straight-line particle accelerators, even as few as one per machine, but these
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  161. don't seem as able to get the best machine speed for the least amount of particles pushed out. Using a constant acceleration of 32.2 feet per second provides earth normal gravity in deep space and only two gravities of stress in leaving the earth's gravity field. It takes, not counting air resistance, 18 minutes, 58.9521636 seconds to reach the 25,000 miles per hour speed to leave the earth's gravity field. A shortwave radio can be used to find the exact frequencies that an aircraft/ spacecraft is using, for each of the colors it may show, a color television can show the same overall color frequency that the nearby, but not extremely close, craft is using. This is limited in its use, as a machine traveling at the speed of a jet airliner may broadcast in a frequency range usually used for radar sets. The craft circuits would tend to override lower voltage electric circuits within and near their electromagnetic fields. One source briefly mentioned a 1941 incident, where a shortwave radio was used to override automobile ignition systems, up to three miles away. How many UFO encounters have been reported in which automobile ignition systems have suddenly stopped?
  162. Tesla's Connection to Project Rainbow
  163. Nikola Tesla has recently been the subject of controversy due to the claims of Al Bielek and Preston Nichols. These men have reported in a number of books and articles that Tesla was involved in one of the most disputed mysteries of World War II, The Philadelphia Experiment. The Philadelphia Experiment, otherwise known as Project Rainbow, was allegedly an attempt by the Navy to create a ship that could not be detected by magnetic mines and or radar. However, its results were said to be far different and much more dangerous than the Navy ever expected. In the early 1930's, the University of Chicago investigated the possibility of invisibility through the use of electricity. This project was later moved to Princeton's Institute of Advanced Studies where it was named Project Rainbow (project invisibility), and was founded in 1936. Nicola Tesla was named Director of the project. Tesla was given anything that was required by him for the testing of the project. Tesla required and was given a navy battle ship on which the experiments were to be tested. The first test of
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  166. invisibility occurred in 1940 and was slated as a full success when a navy ship with no crew on board vanished from this plane of existence. The basic design, had two large Tesla coils (electromagnets) placed on each hull of the ship. The coils are turned on in a special sequence and their magnetic force is so powerful that they warp gravity itself. Based in part on Tesla's earlier electrogravitic experiments, Project Rainbow proved to be far more dangerous than was originally conceived. Al Bielek claims that Tesla began to have doubts about the safety of the experiment due to his communications with extraterrestrials. "Tesla had a press announcement in 1923 where he stated he was talking with ET's off planet. Now after he retired from RCA he maintained a laboratory in his living quarters at the Hotel New Yorker. Unknown to most people he had a second laboratory which apparently was his main one on top of the Waldorf Astoria on the top floor and both penthouse towers. "He maintained a transmitter setup on the Waldorf; and his receiving setup, his receiving antennas and receivers which had been built by RCA under his direction, were on the New Yorker. And I know two people who said they were working with Tesla, during that period, that he was using that equipment, he was talking with somebody, virtually every day, and one of them was emphatic: it was someone off planet. In plain language, he was communicating with ET's." Tesla stated that there would be a serious problem with personnel if anyone were to enter the ship while the gauss coils were turned on and the Electro Magnetic radiation would damage them within this reality. He said in numerous occasions that he was in contact with extraterrestrials and that the ET's had confirmed that there would be a problem with the experiment. Tesla wanted to clarify the problem before any farther experiments would begin. However the Navy said no, they were fighting a war and wanted immediate results. On the second experiment, Tesla, fearing that there would be people hurt or killed in the experiment, decided to sabotage the 1942 test. He de-tuned the equipment so nothing would work and the test failed. Tesla resigned in March 1942 and left the project.
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  169. In July 1943, the destroyer U.S.S. Eldridge pulled into the Delaware Bay area for a United States Naval experiment that involved the task of making the ship invisible using Tesla technology. The project's official name was Project Rainbow, but is more commonly known as the Philadelphia Experiment.
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  172. Chapter Seven Free Energy - Fact or Fiction?
  173. While in college Tesla thought it could be possible to operate an electrical motor without sparking brushes. He was told by the professor that such a motor would require perpetual motion and was therefore impossible. Tesla was determined to prove him wrong. In the 1880's, despite his professors scoffs, Tesla patented the alternating current generator, motor, and transformer. During the 1890's he intensively investigated other methods of power generation including a charged particle collector patented in 1901. When the New York Times in June of 1902 carried a story about an inventor who claimed he had invented an electrical generator that did not require a prime mover in the form of an external fuel supply, Tesla wrote a friend that he had already invented such a device. Tesla claimed the invention was an electrical generator that would not consume any fuel. Such a generator would be its own prime mover and was utterly impossible according to modern scientists. Ninety to a hundred years ago, everybody knew that a heavier-than-air machine could not possibly fly. It would violate the laws of physics. This was the learned opinion of practically all of the so-called experts on the matter. For example, Simon Newcomb declared in 1901: "The demonstration that no possible combination of known substances, known forms of machinery and known forms of force, can be united in a practical machine by which man shall fly long distances through the air." Fortunately, a few people such as the Wright Brothers wouldn't accept such pronouncements as the final word. Now we take heavier than air flight for granted. Today, orthodox physicists and other scientists are saying similar things against the idea of free energy technologies. They use negative terms such as pseudoscience and perpetual motion, and citing physical laws which assert that energy cannot be created or destroyed (1st law of thermodynamics), and there is always a decrease in useful energy (2nd law of thermodynamics). Free energy inventions are devices which can tap a seemingly unlimited supply of energy from the universe, without burning any kind of fuel, creating the perfect
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  176. solution to the worldwide energy crisis and its associated pollution, degradation, and depletion of the environment. Most free energy devices probably do not create energy, but rather tap into existing natural energy sources by various forms of induction. Unlike solar or wind devices, free energy devices need little or no energy storage capacity, because they can tap as much energy as needed when needed. Properly designed, free energy devices do not have any limitations. In The Brooklyn Eagle newspaper, Tesla announced, on July 10th, 1931, that: "I have harnessed the cosmic rays and caused them to operate a motive device." Later on in the same article he said that: "More than 25 years ago I began my efforts to harness the cosmic rays and I can now state that I have succeeded." In 1933, he made the same assertion in an article for the New York American, under the lead in: Device to Harness Cosmic Energy Claimed by Tesla. "This new power for the driving of the world's machinery will be derived from the energy which operates the universe, the cosmic energy, whose central source for the earth is the sun and which is everywhere present in unlimited quantities." Dating back more than 25 years ago from 1933 would mean that the device Tesla was speaking about must have been built before 1908. Almost certainly the idea had occurred to Tesla years earlier. More precise information is available through his correspondence now located in the Columbia University Library's collection.
  177. Electricity Without Burning Fuel
  178. Writing on June 10th, 1902 to his friend Robert U. Johnson, editor of Century Magazine, Tesla included a clipping from the previous day's New York Herald about Clemente Figueras, a woods and forest engineer in Las Palmas, capital of the Canary Islands, who had invented a device for generating electricity without burning fuel. What became of Figueras and his fuel-less generator is not known, but this announcement in the paper prompted Tesla, in his letter to Johnson, to claim he had already developed such a device and had revealed the underlying physical laws. Other U.S. patents have been filed: (#3,811,058, #3,879,622, and #4,151,4310), for example, for motors that run exclusively on permanent energy,
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  181. seemingly tapping into energy circulating through the earth's magnetic field. The first two require a feedback network in order to be self-running. The third one, (as described in detail in Science & Mechanics magazine, Spring, 1980), requires critical sizes, shapes, orientations, and spacings of magnets, but no feedback. Such a motor could drive an electric generator or reversible heat pump in one's home, year round, for free. [Complete descriptive copies of U.S. patents are $3.00 each from the U.S. Patent Office, 2021 Jefferson Davis Hwy., Arlington, VA22202; correct 7-digit patent number required.] According to Oliver Nichelson, who has made extensive studies of Tesla and free energy machines, the device that, at first, seems to best fit Tesla's claims is found in his patent for an "Apparatus for the Utilization of Radiant Energy" Number 685,957, that was filed for on March 21, 1901 and granted on November 5, 1901. The concept behind the older technical language is simple - an insulated metal plate is put as high as possible into the air. Another metal plate is put into the ground. A wire is run from the metal plate to one side of a capacitor and a second wire goes from the ground plate to the other side of the capacitor. The sun, as well as other sources of radiant energy, throw off minute particles of matter positively electrified, which, impinging upon [the upper] plate, communicate continuously an electrical charge to the same. The opposite terminal of the condenser being connected to ground, which may be considered as a vast reservoir of negative electricity, a feeble current flows continuously into the condenser and inasmuch as the particles are charged to a very high potential, this charging of the condenser can continue almost indefinitely, even to the point of rupturing the dielectric. Today, we would call this device a solar-electric panel. Tesla's invention is very different though, but the closest thing to it in conventional technology is in photovoltaics. One radical difference is that conventional solar-electric panels consist of a substrate coated with crystalline silicon; the latest use amorphous silicon. Conventional solar panels are expensive, and, whatever the coating, they are manufactured by esoteric processes. But Tesla's solar panel is just a shiny metal plate with a transparent coating of an insulating material. Stick one of these antenna-like panels up in the air, the higher the better, and wire it to one side of a capacitor, the other going to a good earth ground. Now the
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  184. "Apparatus for the Utilization of Radiant Energy" Patent #685,957, filed on March 21, 1901 and granted on November 5, 1901.
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  187. energy from the sun is charging that capacitor. Connect across the capacitor some sort of switching device so that it can be discharged at rhythmic intervals, and you have an electric output. Tesla's patent tells us that it is very simple to get electric energy. The bigger the area of the insulated plate, the more energy you get. However, this is more than a solar panel because it does not necessarily need sunshine to operate. It also produces power at night. Of course, this is impossible according to official science. For this reason, you could not get a patent on such an invention today. Tesla's free energy receiver refers to the sun, as well as other sources of radiant energy, like cosmic rays. That the device works at night is explained in terms of the night time availability of cosmic rays. Tesla also refers to the ground as a vast reservoir of negative electricity. Tesla was fascinated by radiant energy and its free energy possibilities. He called the Crooke's radiometer (a device which has vanes that spin in a vacuum when exposed to radiant energy) a beautiful invention. He believed that it would become possible to harness energy directly by connecting to the very wheelwork of nature. This seems like a very straightforward design and would seem to fulfill his claim for having developed a fuel-less generator powered by cosmic rays, but in 1900 Tesla wrote what he considered his most important article in which he describes a self-activating machine that would draw power from the ambient medium, a fuel less generator, that is different from his Radiant Energy Device. Entitled: The Problem of Increasing Human Energy - Through the Use of the Sun, the article was published by his friend Robert Johnson in The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine for June 1900. The title of the chapter where he discusses this device is called: A Departure From Known Methods - Possibility of a "Self Acting" Engine or Machine, Inanimate, Yet Capable, Like an Living Being, of Deriving Energy From the Medium - The Ideal Way of Obtaining Motive Power. Tesla stated he first started thinking about the idea when he read a statement by Lord Kelvin who said it was impossible to build a mechanism capable of abstracting heat from the surrounding medium and to operate by that heat. Tesla envisioned a very long bundle of metal rods, extending from the earth to outer space.
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  190. The earth is warmer than outer space so heat would be conducted up the bars along with an electric current. Then, all that would be needed is a very long power cord to connect the two ends of the metal bars to a motor. The motor would continue running until the earth was cooled to the temperature of outer space. Of course, now we wouldn't need a power cord to connect the two ends - microwaves would serve. This would be an inanimate engine which, to all evidence, would be cooling a portion of the medium below the temperature of the surrounding, and operating by the heat abstracted, that is, it would produce energy directly from the environment without the consumption of any material. Tesla goes on in the article to describe how he worked on the development of such an energy device - here it takes a bit of detective work to focus on which of his inventions he meant. He wrote that he first started thinking about deriving energy directly from the environment when he was in Paris during 1883, but that he was unable to do much with the idea for several years due to the commercial introduction of his alternating current generators and motors. It was not until 1889 when he again took up the idea of the self-acting machine. In 1893, Tesla applied for a patent on an electrical coil that is the most likely candidate for a non-mechanical successor of his energy extractor. This is his "Coil for Electro-magnets," patent #512,340. It is a curious design, unlike an ordinary coil made by turning wire on a tube form, this one uses two wires laid next to each other on a form but with the end of the first one connected to the beginning of the second one. In the patent Tesla explains that this double coil will store many times the energy of a conventional coil. The patent, however, gives no hint of what might have been its more unusual capability. In an article for Century Magazine, Tesla compares extracting energy from the environment to the work of other scientists who were, at that time, learning to condense atmospheric gases into liquids. In particular he cited the work of a Dr. Karl Linde who had discovered what Tesla described as a self-cooling method for liquefying air. As Tesla said, "This was the only experimental proof which I was still wanting that energy was obtainable from the medium in the manner contemplated by me." What ties the Linde work with Tesla's electromagnet coil is that both of them used

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