Autopilot bitcoins


DATE: Oct. 25, 2013, 4:32 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 710 Bytes

HITS: 1830

  1. . Make an account at
  2. . Go to
  3. . Make a paste about anything
  4. . Under your paste give it a title
  5. . Click tab "Earn Bitcoins" and input your Bitcoin address
  6. . Click "Submit Paste"
  7. . COPY/SAVE your bitbin URL address
  8. . Go to hitleap website again
  9. . Go to the tab "My Websites"
  10. . Click "Submit website into the Traffic Exchange" and enter your bitbin paste URL.
  11. . Click OK and wait 30 seconds,
  12. . Hitleap will send hits/views to your bitbin paste, then you'll start making bitcoins from bitbin.
  13. Don't forget to run "HitLeap Viewer Application" to get hits/views to your bitbin paste
  14. You can run the program while you sleep

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