10 Things You Can’t Advertise on Facebook

SUBMITTED BY: shahidsomroo

DATE: Feb. 25, 2018, 9:21 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 1.7 kB

HITS: 253

  1. If you’re running an ecommerce business, we cannot stress how important traffic is.
  2. After all, everybody who visits your store is a potential customer. So, if you can bring in a steady stream of potential buyers to your store, it’s only a matter of time until you start making sales.
  3. But, unfortunately, there’s no guarantee that you’ll generate traffic from the day that you launch your store.
  4. It doesn’t matter if you’ve spent hours designing every detail of your store, or if you’ve carefully curated a list of compelling products – these are great, but they don’t drive traffic alone.
  5. You’ll need to use the ace up your sleeve – marketing – to drive traffic to your store. And the success of your marketing campaigns will likely define the success of your store.
  6. By now you might be wondering what the most effective way to market your brand is. Many dropshippers opt to use Facebook advertising as one of their main marketing channels.
  7. Why? There are more than 2.2 billion monthly active users on Facebook, and you can tap into that wealth of potential buyers with your marketing campaigns. Combine this audience with incredible targeting options, and a variety of ad objectives, and it becomes clear why Facebook advertising is so powerful for ecommerce entrepreneurs.
  8. But it isn’t all plain sailing with Facebook advertising. There are plenty of products which you can’t advertise on Facebook, and it’s important that you’re aware of them before you build your store.
  9. We’re here to help you succeed as an entrepreneur, so we’ve put together this article to outline Facebook’s ad review process, and list the products which are strictly prohibited from Facebook’s advertising platform.

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