Methane extinction


DATE: Feb. 27, 2013, 6:55 p.m.

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  1. 2012 has come and gone. A new baktun, on the Mayan calendar, which happens only 25,000 some odd years. I've done some research, and on their calendar, the past baktuns have been extinction level events.
  2. This man believes that humans have already caused an "Extinction-level Event" via destroying the atmosphere and thus causing Methane release. No WW3, no running out of resources, no plague, no alien invasion, no cosmic event, not even the sun burning out....... Methane. The thing is, it looks like he may be indeed correct. He gives us a couple years left to live. I am not quite sure what to make of this. The official government charts I can find only go through 2009, but they do indeed verify everything that this man is saying.

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