PayPal Cash Generator

SUBMITTED BY: unbanmodz

DATE: July 3, 2016, 4:45 p.m.

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  1. Transform your PayPal Account Into a cash making machine
  2. All in just 3 simple steps only! THANK YOU! Congratulations on purchasing this fantastic E-Book
  3. Soporte Online Dinero Extra PayPal Cash Generator 2012. Updated 02/10/2012
  4. We pride ourselves on providing methods that work! There are those that assume that a 3 page report lacks value.... In our opinion we would much rather cut out the bones and give you the meat. Yes, our reports are short but who wants to swim through a bunch of contrived drivel just to get to the nuts and bolts of any system or method? I hope this is not how you perceive value. We are here to assist you in turning these methods into cold hard cash. If you ever have any questions then please email us, we are here to help. We get thousands of emails every day from people all over the world and we respond to all of them. If you email us we will get back to you just give us some time. When you purchase one of our products you get free updates for life. We NEVER send out or sell information or methods that we ourselves have not tried and tested. Tried, true and tested. A couple of things we want to touch on. Our refund policy we feel is very clear. Simply put, Use the system for 90 days if you don't make any money with it we will refund your purchase price. So to add a little more clarification our refund policy does not apply to the following:
  5. 1. Buyer's remorse. 2. Tire kickers 3. Skeptical response
  6. We honor our refund policy once the criteria are met, meaning:
  7. 1. 90 days has passed 2. The method has been used 3. No money has been made using the method
  8. When requesting a Refund please confirm that you have met the above criteria. If you have then please contact us at It is also our policy that any disputes filed with PayPal are to immediately escalated to a claim. The reason for this is pretty simple, we are in business to help you but we also have to take a position to protect ourselves. Because our products are a digital download and an off eBay product it is not covered under buyer or seller protection.
  9. Once escalated to a claim PayPal closes the case in favor of the seller within minutes. Disputes that have been escalated to a claim have an adverse effect on everyone involved. We have been forced to adopt this policy for one reason, to prevent fraudulent refunds from occurring. Please contact us if you have any issues. We are here to help. Pretty straight forward. In the mean time I promise you this in the next 90 days the extra bonus updates we will share with you will blow your mind and make you money! So enjoy the PayPal Booster and as I said before if you have any questions or need help to get started then email us we are here to help.
  10. Warmest Regards, SoporteOnlineDineroExtra
  11. STEP 1
  12. You need to set up your free website so that you can sell the method you just acquired. Of course, you may choose to pay for a domain name if you wish to or if you feel that it may help you sell more. Don't feel like you've been ripped off €2.49, many of my fellow friends who bought the PayPal Booster though it was a scam because of how simple the steps were. Well, they are simple because the method was meant to be quick, efficient and easy. Never forget that if you fail to make a buck (which is something yet to be seen with the PayPal Cash Generator 2012), I will gladly refund you. There are many free hosting plans on the internet. Let's try with Free (
  13. No, I'm not being paid by this website for advertising it, but it is just a fast and easy way to create the two pages you need in order to sell the Paypal Cash Generator 2012 to other people. Don't worry, you will NOT have to actually do anything to sell it, it will sell by itself. You will get all the tools, resources and step-by-step instructions to get started immediately on or, infact there- there are many free website builders / publishers, but these are probably 2 of the most popular.
  14. Once you are on the website just click on the registration button. The rest should not be a problem because the guide and steps are very simple even if you a beginner at website building. Your website should consist of only TWO PAGES. The first page is the index.html page which will contain all the information people need to discover the product. You have to write something that will make people WANT to buy the method. Your page should contain a link to your PayPal account. It's easy to get a PayPal account. From the PayPal account registration page, select Personal or Business Account, then choose the country you live in at The second page on your website will contain the actual method. People should not be able to access that page if they haven't pay for the Paypal Cash Generator 2012.
  15. You can upload the method on your website and if you can't, you may use and then put the link on your second page. Your second page is available to people once you have received their payment on your PayPal account. Only then you can send them the link to your second “secret” page so that they can download the method. Or a much simpler solution is to do it like me, I used (, a much simpler solution rather than to upload separately. Go to the site and register your account. It's a free service website so don't worry about gettingcut or what so ever.
  16. How it works:
  17. 1. You upload your files to uploadnsell and get your buy link, 2. Use your buy link to sell your product, 3. Via the buy link, your customer will be redirected to paypal for payment 4. Your customer completes payment process at paypal(Money in your paypal account!) 5. Paypal sends purchase data to uploadnsell 6. Uploadnsell creates unique expiring download page for your customer
  18. Customer downloads your files at uploadnsell Remember, you will soon hit the payday so don't give up, it's easy as 1.2.3!
  19. Now, you may want to add a PayPal button to your page so that people can pay for the PayPal Cash Generator 2012. First, on the uploadnsell website click on the sell now button located at the top of the site. You will then be directed to this page as below. Fill in all the required details and click start selling now. Then you will be given a buy link that you need to put it on your web site for people to pay you. There will also be a download link for you to test if your file is ok. When everything is fine, you'll need to get your button code which you can insert on your html index page, (the main page of your site).
  20. This is what the html code for your button looks like, you just need to copy and paste it on your just created webpage.
  21. STEP 2 Congratulations, your website is online and you have set the two pages. You may now proceed to step 2. We will discuss how to sell the method, which will not be a difficult thing to do, you will not have to ask people to buy the PayPal Cash Generator, you will not have to send mails and post on forums, something which I find boring and slow but if you want to do it, you still can. You may want to join Neobux in order to sell PayPal Booster. There are many advertising websites out here but Neobux is one of the cheapest and most effective. This is how I have made more than €2 000 in just a matter of a few weeks. Before Joining NeoBux You Need To Have A Few Things. You need to have an Email ID preferably with Most PTC sites would ask you to give Gmail ID. So if you do not have one create your Gmail Id now. All the PTC site pay with these two online money transaction sites. They are safe and used by thousand safe people worldwide. If you do not have PayPal and Alert Pay account, then sign up with them. Otherwise you cannot join any PTC site. Getting Started with NeoBux is easy, just go
  22. You'll be at the home page of Neobux and it looks like the above picture. Registration with NeoBux: At the top of that page you can see the Register button. Click on that and you'll be in the New registration page.
  23. Now you'll have to fill all the required details to register. After that, click on the continue button. Follow the instructions on next page and complete registration. The last step to complete the registration is to go to your email inbox and open the mail send by the Neobux and click on the activation link send in that email. This will confirm your account. And now that you're a verified member of Neobux and you can start making money with them. Once your account is ready, just click on “Advertise”. You have three different options to advertise your PayPal Cash Generator 2012 method and get as much as €500 per day like I managed to. First, you have to select how many clicks you want to buy and then the type of exposition on Neobux. I suggest you to start slow, you don't have to spend thousands to get people to discover and buy the method, just start for a simple 2500 clicks solution (it cost only 5$), the cheapest way for sure to sell the Cash Generator. Then, when you get more cash, remember that you can advertise even more, AND get even more money every day without actually doing anything. Now you may set up the advertisement with the address of the website you have created. When you are done setting up the advertisement on Neobux, just relax, go outside or do something that you haven't been doing for a while because you were so busy working. Life is meant to be enjoyed and money to shared. Wait and see magic happening the next time you open your PayPal account…it will blow your mind.
  24. STEP 3
  25. Congratulation for beginning your first ad campaign on Neobux, you will quickly see the results of this campaign by checking in on your PayPal account and be amazed seeing your main balance growing as each day passes. But don't stop till you get enough, if your page is good enough, you may try to sell your product on other websites. THEY will do the work for you, while you just sit and watch TV or have fun somewhere. Once Neobux brought enough cash in to advertise more, try Cas Camel, Devbux, OnBux, MatchBux, 888Bux. These PTCs websites WILL generate sales no matter what, because the market is interested in products which will generate money for them. You may also want to try to advertise on Google Ad Word, it is very effective. Sky is the limit for you and you can sell Paypal Cash Generator 2012 product anywhere and replicate what I have done in less than a few weeks. Remember, once your page is ready and your ad is on Neobux, money will literally explode your PayPal account (I have made more than 500€ on my first week)
  26. SoporteOnlineDineroExtra recommended…
  27. Don't stop there. Take a look at all of the other tools on this Website: to advertise your new product worldwide, these are some of the best FREE tools to use for Traffic and Advertising.
  28. Trust me, follow all of these steps above and it will work for you. You have come this far, why stop now.
  30. Got any questions? Mail me at

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