Recent pastes

Title Age
CHÁ DE CAPUCHINHA 7 years, 42 weeks and 5 days
BANHO REVIGORANTE 7 years, 45 weeks and 5 days
GENGIBRE 7 years, 47 weeks and 1 day
ÓLEO DE LINHAÇA 7 years, 48 weeks and 2 days
HIDRATANTE DE IOGURTE E MEL 7 years, 48 weeks and 4 days
DORES DE ESTÔMAGO 7 years, 49 weeks and 2 days
MÁSCARA DE OVO E AZEITE 7 years, 50 weeks and 6 hours
ACABAR COM VERTIGENS 8 years, 4 weeks and 4 days
SUMO VERDE 8 years, 4 weeks and 4 days
SUMO CONTRA A ANEMIA 8 years, 5 weeks and 4 days
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